Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner: Robert Kardashian KNEW O.J. Simspon Was Guilty!

Caitlyn Jenner’s new memoir doesn’t hit stores until April 25, but the former excerpts from the former Olynpian’s tell-all are already sparking major controversy.

Yesterday, we learned that Caitlyn has undergone gender reassignment surgery, a step she previously stated she didn’t plan to take.

Many assumed that the revelation was meant to convey that her memoir would be filled with similar revelations about herself, but no new dirt on the Kardashian family, possibly for legal reasons.

Now we know that’s not the case, as Radar Online has obtained a new excerpt of the book, and this one throws some major shade at a member of the family who’s been elevated to god-like status in the years since his death.

While it was widely known that Kourtney, Kim, and Khloe’s father, Robert Kardashian, Sr., was a friend of O.J. Simpson’s many didn’t realize how deep the Kardashian-O.J. connection went until it was featured in FX’s miniseries about Simpson’s infamous murder trial.

So perhaps it’s not surprising that Caitlyn felt the need to address her indirect connection to O.J. in her book.

At one point, she quotes Robert Kardashian as saying, “I would’ve been okay with it if they had gotten him in the first trial.” 

“The implication was obvious that he believed O.J. was guilty,” Jenner adds.

Caitlyn goes on to speculate that Robert may have helped his friend beat the charges as a way of exacting revenge on Kris Jenner for divorcing him.

“I wonder if it was his way of saying to her what I think she was saying to him when she married me: a big f–k you,” she writes.

Later in the book, Caitlyn offers her own feelings on O.J. and as you might’ve guessed, she’s not exactly a fan:

“He was the most narcissistic, egocentric, neediest a–hole in the world of sports I had ever seen, and I had seen a lot of them,” Jenner writes.

She goes on to put an even finer point on it, writing:

“I believe he got away with two savage murders.”

Caitlyn says the trial was a hugely divisive matter in the Kardashian-Jenner household, as Kim and company sided with their father, while Kris and Caitlyn (then Bruce) firmly believed that Simpson was guilty.

“See, I told you he didn’t do it!” Kourtney allegedly told her mother on the day the verdict was revealed.

Cailtyn says she sat down with her stepdaughter and that just because he was acquitted by a jury, that doesn’t mean he didn’t commit the crime.

She forbade Kourtney and her sisters from ever mentioning O.J.’s name in the house.

We think it’s safe to say that anyone who was worried Caitlyn’s book would be lacking in the drama department can officially rest easy.
