Monday, April 17, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar & Austin Forsyth: Wedding Date Revealed!

Another Duggar wedding is in the works, and once again, the family is being selective about which details are revealed to the public, and which are reserved for the inevitable three-part wedding special.

We’re starting to think the real reason unmarried Duggars aren’t allowed to have social media accounts is that they might mess up the ratings by revealing courtship details on Instagram.

These days, we’re waiting on the wedding of Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth.

Joy-Anna and Austin announced their courtship back in November, and the couple has reportedly been going full-steam ahead ever since.

Joy-Anna and her man have known one another since childhood, so it’s been rumored that they moved faster than is customary in the world of Duggar courtships.

(There have also been reports of Joy-Anna and Austin breaking courtship rules by moving well beyond the realm of hand-holding and side hugs, but that’s a conversation for another time.)

Interestingly, however, when it comes to time between the beginning of the relationship and the exchanging vows, Joy-Anna is actually waiting longer than any of her sisters.

According to wedding registry website The Knot, Joy-Anna and Austin will get married on October 28, which also happens to be Joy-Anna’s birthday.

That means the couple will court for almost a full year before becoming man and wife.

Obviously, the date carries special meaning for the couple, but it’s still strange that they’re waiting so long to make it official when they seemed so certain from the start.

For comparison, Jinger Duggar married Jeremy Vuolo after just four months of courting.

The courtship has been something of a PR nightmare for the Duggars thanks to those rumors about Joy-Anna and Austin flouting the rules, and it was widely assumed that that things would be rushed along to avoid further bad press.

Further complicating matters is the fact that the Forsyths are a bit more modern, and Austin is an avid social media user.

So for once, we don’t have to wait until the wedding special to find out what’s really going on.

And it seems that what’s really going on is a courting couple that doesn’t feel the need to sprint down the aisle because they’ve already progressed beyond the point of side-hugs.

Watch Counting On online to remind yourself of just how bonkers this whole “courting” business really is.
