Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Faith Hill, Cutest Fan EVER Sing Precious Duet

In need of a little pick-me-up today?

Feeling a bit down and need some assistance turning that front around?

Faith Hill and the cutest little girl ever are here to help!

In the following video, we see the 49-year old country music singer meeting a five-year old mega fan named Rosie.

It had been the life-long dream of this precious toddler to make the acquaintance of her favorite recording artist, having actually taken the necessary action to make this into a possibility.

Rosie made a video of herself belting out one of Faith"s chart-topping hits. She then sent it to Hill, waited and hoped.

Left with no choice after watching the cute footage, Hill arranged to meet Rosie backstage during her Soul2Soul: The World Tour with husband Tom McGraw.

“You made my day when I saw your little video,” Hill told Rosie while holding her hands in the clip below. “You’re precious! What do you want to sing?”

The excited young fan then asks Hill if they can sing “Mississippi Girl” together, to which the singer said yes (of course).

The precious pair then sang the first verse and chorus of the track as one… and Rosie didn’t mess up a single note!

They then shared a tight embrace.

“Was so sweet to meet & sing with Rosie, a fellow Mississippi Girl. #soul2soul #speaktoagirl,” Hill captioned her post of the meet, greet and duet on Instagram.

Watch for yourself – and then just try to not be in a great mood!

Faith hill cutest fan ever sing precious duet