Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: If Tristan Thompson Proposes, I"ll Say Yes!

We’ll say this about Khloe Kardashian: girl knows what she wants in life, and she’s not afraid to go after it.

For example, even though she’s only been dating Tristan Thompson for about seven months, she is completely ready to not only marry him, but to start a family with him.

You’d think she’d be a little more cautious — she married Lamar Odom just weeks after meeting him, and though they were happily married for a good few years, it ultimately ended in just so much heartbreak.

It also seems important to note that a few months into Khloe’s relationship with Tristan, he welcomed a child with another woman, which seems a little … complicated.

But still, the heart wants what it wants, and Khloe’s heart is pretty set on Tristan right now.

And in a new interview with the Evening Standard, Khloe told the whole world all about it.

She explains that last August, a friend of hers told her “I have someone that I want you to meet.” She told the friend, “Absolutely not, I don’t go on blind dates.”

But — surprise, surprise! — the man Khloe was to be set up with was Tristan, and she finally did end up going on the blind date.

And when they met, she says “we both felt this strong energy. I was like, oh, this is such a nice, normal man — the normalcy is what I was craving.”

She adds that “I’m a Christian; he’s a believer in God and that’s important to me. Tristan’s morals and ethics are everything I’ve wanted and need in my life.”

She says that they split their time between her home in L.A. and his in Cleveland, and that while he’s “great” with all the public attention that comes with dating a Kardashian, she’s “sure it’s overwhelming.”

One time they were on vacation, and though they thought they’d avoided paparazzi, photos from their time together were published anyway.

“I was like ‘I’m so sorry,"” she remembers, “and Tristan was like ‘It’s OK.’ You could tell that it was a big pill to swallow.”

“But he accepts who I am. He likes to protect me, which I haven’t had before — someone looking out for me almost before himself.”

At one point in the interview, Khloe was asked if she’d say yes if Tristan were to propose at this point in their relationship.

“Yes, I would,” she answers. But that’s not all …

When asked about any goals she has yet to achieve, she says “I would love to have a family.”

She says she and Tristan have “talked about it,” and “He is a father, and I know for a fact that he would be an impeccable father.”

“I definitely want to be a mom. But I don’t put the pressure on it. It’s not like, ‘the clock is ticking.’ I feel in my soul it would happen.”

So it really does seem like she’s on the fast track to marrying and procreating with Tristan, right?

Best of luck for the couple, and best wishes that things work out for Khloe this time around.
