Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Jesse Watters: Fox Host Slammed For Ivanka Trump Oral Sex Joke

Unless you"re a regular Fox News viewer, you"re probably only familiar with Jesse Watters as the talking head whose cringe-worthy attempts at humor occasionally make him a trending topic on social media.

The last time Watters made waves, it was with a wildly racist segment about the residents of New York City"s Chinatown that aired on The O"Reilly Factor.

These days, O"Reilly has been fired, and Watters is making his way around the network as a smirking journeyman, popping up to say something snide wherever there"s an empty seat at a roundtable.

Today, Watters is under fire again (no more puns on his name; we promise), this time for a jaw-droppingly crude statement about first daughter and assistant to the president, Ivanka Trump.

Ivanka spoke at a women"s summit in Berlin this week, and Watters was asked to comment on the Fox panel discussion series The Five.

To the chagrin of many viewers, Watters took the opportunity to make a crude joke, stating that he likes “the way she was speaking into that microphone.”

The sexual innuendo was not lost on the show"s audience, many of whom took to social media to demand an apology from Watters.

Instead of dialing back his comments, however, Watters offered this explanation:

“On air I was referring to Ivanka’s voice and how it resonates like a smooth jazz radio DJ,” Watters wrote on Twitter.

“This was in no way a joke about anything else.”

Yes, folks, Jesse Watters is trying to become the first man to use the phrase "smooth jazz" to save his career.

We"ll see if it works.

Check out his attempt to become the conservative Andrew Dice Clay in the clip below:

Jesse watters fox host slammed for ivanka trump oral sex joke