Monday, April 17, 2017

Tori Spelling: Completely Broke Just Weeks After Giving Birth?!

It’s been just six weeks since Tori Spelling welcomed her fifth child, but it seems the troubled actress’ joy at expanding her family was sadly short-lived.

The financial difficulties endured by Spelling and her husband, Dean McDermott, have been highly-publicized over the years, but now it looks as though the situation is far worse than previously thought.

Page Six is reporting today that the IRS has “drained” Spelling and McDermott’s bank accounts as a result of several years’ worth of unpaid taxes.

The exact amount that Tori and Dean owe the government is not clear, but it’s safe to say it’s in the seven-figure range.

In July of 2016, the couple was slammed with a federal tax lien in the amount of $ 707,487.30.

That’s for unpaid taxes from 2014 alone.

The total amount that they owe is likely considerably higher than that, and it’s unlikely that Spelling and McDermott have done much to improve their situation in the past ten months.

To make matters worse McDermott owes his ex tens of thousands in back child support, and she and her lawyers are reportedly pushing for jail time if he doesn’t pay up.

Needless to say, it wasn’t the ideal time for Spelling and McDermott to expand their family, but sources close to the couple believe they may have thought a new baby would mean big bucks.

Page Six reports that Spelling was hoping to score a new reality show, “re-invent herself” as a Martha Stewart-like domestic goddess and “make some real money going forward.”

She reportedly thought that welcoming a fifth child at 43 would draw the interest of television producers.

Now it doesn’t appear that the plan is working out.

Part of the problem, of course, is that Tori isn’t viewed as particularly likable or relatable.

Writing about her financial troubles in a recent memoir, Spelling had this to say:

“It’s no mystery why I have money problems. I grew up rich beyond anyone’s dreams. Even when I try to embrace a simpler lifestyle, I can’t seem to let go of my ­expensive tastes.”

That’s some admirable honesty.

But if Tori thinks she’s gonna earn much sympathy by carping about her “expensive tastes,” we fear she’s sorely mistaken.

Tori’s agents need to tell her that reality audiences want a struggle they can identify with or some Kardashian-esque lifestyle porn.

This in-between “broke with expensive taste” business doesn’t appeal to anyone.
