Friday, April 14, 2017

Cleveland Cavs Fans to Tristan Thompson: Dump Khloe Kardashian!

Well, it’s that time of year.

The NBA playoffs are upon us, and in Cleveland, fans are hoping that LeBron James can once again lead his beleaguered city to the promised land.

Of course, even King James can’t pull off such a feat on his own, and some Cavs obsessives are concerned that a key member of LeBron’s supporting staff is distracted by matters unrelated to basketball:

As you’ve probably heard, Cavs forward Tristan Thompson is dating Khloe Kardashian.

The relationship is moving at breakneck speed, and there have even been rumors that Khloe and Tristan are engaged.

It’s good news for Khloe and Tristan, but according to one Cleveland resident, it’s bad news for Cavs fans.

A man named John Hilberry has posted a petition to asking Thompson to kick Khloe to the curb.

Hilberry believes Khloe is responsible for the team’s uneven performance in recent months, and he says the only way to break the mush-publicized “Kardashian Curse” and rescue the Cavs’ playoff hopes is for Thompson to end his relationship.

“It is almost that time of year again-where we prepare for our long trek back to the NBA Finals,” Hilberry writes.

“However, this year as the defending champs, we’ve been in sort of a funk.”

The cause of that funk, according to Hilberry? You guessed it – the courtside presence of one of reality TV’s best known stars.

“It all has to do with the Kardashian Curse. One of our most beloved athletes, Tristan Thompson, has taken it upon himself to date Khloe Kardashian and by doing so, invited the curse into Cleveland. The curse has been ruthless to the Cleveland Cavaliers,” Holberry writes.

“The curse is nothing new however- it has plagued professional athletes such as James Harden, Lamar Odom, Kris Humphries, and now our beloved TT.”

Obviously, Hilberry is joking (we hope), but more than 200 people have already signed the petition in apparent support of his cause.

At the end of the day, however, there’s only one person whose opinion matters here.

We’re talking, of course, about LeBron.

Interestingly, James reportedly thinks the Kardashians could be an asset in the playoffs, as their presence might prove distracting to other teams.

He’s got a point.

After all, dating a Kardashian can be much more lucrative than playing in the NBA.

If Khloe’s sisters show up, opposing players might be so focused on audtioning as Kourtney’s next boyfriend that they take their head out of the game.

Call it the reverse Kardashian Curse.
