Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Dog Impersonates Baby, Insists on ALL the Attention

It can be a major adjustment to welcome a newborn baby into a household.

Other kids must prepare to receive less attention for a period of time. Parents must say goodbye to the concept of sleep for many months,

Even pieces of furniture have to take a deep breath and get ready to get peed on (at best).

But what about the life of pets? How are they affected by the presence of a tiny human being in their home?

It can be quite scary and concerning for a dog to no longer be the most adorable creature in the eyes of his owners, but the canine featured in the following video is NOT about to let that be the case.

He"s on a mission.

He"s intent on remaining Option Number-One when it comes to attention from his family.

In one of the funniest pieces of footage we"ve seen in awhile, a grandmother is sitting between her actual grandchild and her four-legged grandchild.

She really wants to pick the baby up, but the dog won"t let her.

He"s on his back. He"s using his paws to grab her arm. He"s basically doing his best impression of a very young child in order to garner the belly rubs he so rightfully deserves.

And we can"t stop laughing as he goes through these adorable motions.


Dog refuses to let grandma hold newborn insists hes the baby