Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Jenelle Evans on Custody Wars: I Got This!

Back in January Jenelle Evans welcomed her third child, a girl named Ensley Jolie.

Each of Jenelle’s children has a different father, and the already-controversial Teen Mom 2 star has taken a lot of flak for bringing another kid into a seemingly unstable situation.

Now, Jenelle is opening up about the unique challenges of having so many other parties involved in the raising of her kids.

Surprisingly, she hasn’t really complicated her life all that much.

That said, it seems she’s pretty much come to terms with the fact that she’ll never get along with her mother, Barbara Evans, who still has custody of Jenelle’s eldest son, Jace.

Asked about the balancing act of ensuring that her kids still develop relationships with each other despite spending so much time in different homes, Jenelle had this to say:

“I make sure that I get Jace every weekend and have Kaiser every other weekend. During that time, [Jace] is constantly around all the kids and family until he goes back to my mom’s on Sunday nights.

She added:

“I have also been trying to take family photos lately of everyone together. I don’t want anyone to feel excluded from our family.”

Okay, so it sounds like she’s making a real effort at providing her kids with a stable upbringing.

Maybe the Carolina Hurricane is starting to settle down a bit.

Of course, when it comes to her beef with Babs, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Asked about her Barbara’s dislike for David Eason, Jenelle defended her fiance, saying:

“My mom is still not wanting to give up her grudge against any guy I date.”

“David has never done anything wrong to her and still doesn’t really speak to her to this day, even though he disagrees with a lot of things she believes.”

Jenelle added:

“I have no idea why my mom feels this way towards David, but I’m thinking it might be a jealously issue. My mom claims I never ‘hang out’ with her when I date someone.”

Jenelle dishing out the big burn on Babs.

Our guess is that Barbara’s just mad that Jenelle is dating a guy whose name doesn’t sound funny in her accent.

She probably screeches Keiff-ah! when she’s alone just for old times’ sake.
