Thursday, April 6, 2017

Amber Portwood and Catelynn Lowell: Farrah Abraham Needs Help!

It’s not exactly a secret that Farrah Abraham has a few loose screws.

(Ha, Farrah’s “loose screws.”)

She rarely, if ever, makes sense, she’s incapable of having an appropriate reaction to almost everything. She yells and screams at the people who try to help her, she’s almost certainly already ruined her kid.

There’s a lot to unpack with that woman, and literally none of it is good.

But, interestingly enough, two of Farrah’s Teen Mom OG costars, Catelynn Lowell and Amber Portwood, sat down for a new interview with People.

And they talked so much trash about Farrah.

Amber kicked things off by talking about her wedding, and her statement that all of the Teen Mom stars would be invited.

She explains that Farrah was “never quite invited” to the wedding because “she’s just not a person that I want to attach myself with.”

And though Farrah’s sometimes boyfriend, Simon Saran, made a joke about the wedding invite, Amber clarifies that “Simon was never invited.”

“I don’t even know where he got that notion from,” she says. “What a weirdo.”

She adds that she doesn’t even see Simon as part of the Teen Mom franchise, which is pretty cold — judging by his constant tweets about the show, it seems like Simon would love nothing more than to be a part of the show.

But also judging by his constant tweets about the show, it’s understandable why Amber wouldn’t want him at her wedding. He’s been incredibly rude to her several times now.

Remember when he called her a hippo? Of course that douchebag isn’t invited to the wedding.

But as for Farrah, Amber says that the wedding invite “was a chance for her to actually be a stand-up person.”

When asked if she thought she’d actually come to the wedding, Amber replied “Probably not, but who gives a sh-t? Who cares? Like, it’s my wedding, I don’t care if she comes or not … I’m gonna have fun regardless.”

A solid response, considering that Farrah’s presence has likely never been the cause of anyone having fun ever.

Next, the ladies were asked about how they dealt with Farrah’s habit of bashing her fellow Teen Moms.

Catelynn really hit the answer out the park, explaining that “When you listen to what she says, most of the time when she answers stuff she doesn’t make sense anyways.”

Amber, meanwhile, says that those hateful comments aren’t Farrah’s real opinions, she just “says things people want to hear.”

“I do not want kids today who are watching the show to think that this is a strong woman,” she adds. “That is not a strong woman. That is a hateful woman.”

“That is not what you want to be like. You want to make your mistakes, but you want to come back from them, and she’s just somebody who makes mistakes and doesn’t give a damn.”

Truer words were never spoken.

Amber continued her real talk about Farrah by saying that if she had to describe her in one word, it would be “sadness.”

She says that she knows “so much” about Farrah, “and she knows I know, and I think there’s just a lot of sadness and a big wall, but she’s trying to be something that she’s not.”

“I work in this industry too, and when I hear people higher up in certain areas say things about her and the way they talk about her, I don’t think she quite understands how some people really look at her as a joke for the way she acts.”

Catelynn agreed, saying “I feel like she needs help, like severe counseling to really figure out what’s ever going on — to help her help herself.”

Here’s hoping that one day Farrah gains the self-awareness to do just that … but we’re not holding our breath.
