Friday, April 7, 2017

Aaron Rodgers & Olivia Munn: It"s Over!

Aaron Rodgers and Olivia Munn have reportedly have called it quits after nearly three years of dating.

The news comes as a surprise, as rumors that Rodgers and Munn planned to get engaged were circulating on social media as recently as a few weeks ago.

But while the couple outwardly maintained that all was well, their relationship had been plagued by drama from the start.

As far back as 2015, Munn clashed with Packers fans who bafflingly insisted that she was having a negative impact of Rodgers’ on-field performance.

Those same fans were quiet when Rodgers returned to dominant form, such as when he played some of the best football of his career during the latter half of the 2016 season.

However, the relationship was once again put under a microscope last year as a result of Aaron’s brother, Jordan Rodgers, becoming a minor celebrity due to his appearance on The Bachelorette.

During Jordan’s time on the show, it was revealed that Aaron is estranged from his family and that the Rodgers seem to feel that Munn is responsible for the rift.

Munn fired back at the Rodgers following public comments in which they seemed to blame the actress for their lack of a relationship with Aaron.

It’s unclear what caused Aaron and Olivia’s breakup, but it’s tough to imagine that all the considerable drama of the past year didn’t play a role in their decision to split.

News of Rodgers and Munn’s separation was confirmed by People magazine this morning.

“They have amicably ended their relationship of three years,” says a source close to the couple.

The insider adds that the couple “remains close friends and wish nothing but the best for each other moving forward.”

Despite his high visibility, Rodgers has managed to keep a tight lid on his private life throughout most of his career.

As for whether or not he’ll mend his fractured relationship with his family, sources close to the situation say that bridge is forever burned, and the Rodgers are so at odds with one another that Aaron sent back Christmas presents he received from his parents last year.

Currently, only a couple of things are certain with regard to the Munn-Rodgers separation:

1. The actress and the quarterback are definitely dunzo.

2. If the Packers make it to the Super Bowl this season, the gloating from Munn-hating Cheeseheads will be insufferable.
