Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Kendra Wilkinson Rants Against “"F-cks," Totally Messed Up Universe

Kendra Wilkinson delivered a one-finger salute to a certain section of Internet followers on Monday.

Along with a lengthy diatribe on Instagram.

On a tropical vacation in Hawaii with her husband and two kids, Kendra took a few minutes to absolutely GO OFF on various online trolls, although it’s not exactly clear what prompted her rant.

But that doesn’t make it any less worthwhile to read.

The following is pretty darn awesome.

“Wow by my last post I just exposed all you sick f–ks. Sexualizing a child is NOT ok,” Wilkinson wrote, along with the above photo.

She added:

“What are you thinking posting that? YOU are just as bad as a pedo.

“All you people living in your cages, sit the f–k down and re think life. Oh wait life is already over for you. So we should be living in a cage because of sick f–ks who think of children that way??? So they run our lives now.”

The former Playboy centerfold concluded:

Man, this world is more f–ked up than I thought. I’ll go ahead and go back to my vacation.

Just a day earlier, Kendra had wished a happy birthday to Hugh Hefner.

She had also posted a picture of herself on top of a cliff, the ocean in the background, the sun shining overhead, the universe seemingly gorgeous and at peace.

“Open your heart and mind and you’ll see the beauty around you,” she told her 2.3 million followers just a week ago.

“Let go of pain and anger and just take in the sound of the ocean. Look into the sky and imagine yourself looking down at the world to realize how small we really are and how life is just what we create with the short period of time we are here.

“The world will go on n we will just become dust in the wind so be brave and fearless n forgive and love to the fullest. Laugh at everything n don’t live by the rules.”

So, what prompted Kendra to go from this serene state to one filled with anger and bitterness?

Some followers are speculating that a fan criticized the mother of two for having her daughter hang out by the ocean without a bathing suit top.

If that’s the case, it would definitely be another example of the Internet totally sucking.

Wilkinson shares a son, Hank, and a daughter, Alijah, with husband Hank Baskett.

It’s not the business of strangers to judge how these parents raise these kids; and a little girl walking around the beach without a top on should not raise the ire of anyone at all.

We can’t exactly blame Kendra for her reaction if some idiots out there really did give her grief for this harmless incident.

The sunny vacation comes for Wilkinson and her family comes as Kendra prepares to star in Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars Family Edition.

On the upcoming season, the former Girls Next Door star will work on the estranged relationship with her mother, as she desperately attempts to stay remotely relevant in the celebrity gossip world.

“The decision to do family boot camp with my mom was the toughest decision of my life,” Kendra told E! News last week. “It really truly was.”

Tougher than taking Baskett back after he got a hand job from a transvestite named Ava London?

Wow. We didn’t see that coming!
