Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel Predicts The Bachelorette Final Three: Is He Right?!

The Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay has found her soulmate, and having watched just one episode, Jimmy Kimmel thinks he knows who!

Having obviously not read The Bachelorette spoilers whatsoever, the ABC host made his predictions for this season last night …

… with Rachel in the hot seat!

The 31-year-old Dallas attorney"s JOURNEY for love had just begun when she sat down with Kimmel to discuss the popular show Monday.

She gushed about her fiance, and spoke about how rare it is for the show to reveal that she got engaged before the season even began.

“It’s a season of firsts,” she joked.

The first African-American lead in the franchise"s storied history said ABC actually encouraged her to spill the big news, as well.

She said that the shot-callers at the network told her “You know, you’re so excited. You’re glowing. Just do it.” And so she did!

But who is the lucky guy!?

Well, those who follow Jimmy Kimmel know he"s a huge Bachelor and Bachelorette fan who always handicaps the season early on.

He makes his predictions with help from his wife Molly McNearny and again, zero Bachelorette spoilers in any way, shape form!

Just by watching the first episode, he said that personal trainer Eric Bigger, 29, will be one of the last men standing this summer.

Why? “You seem really into him, He seems smart and level-headed. Eric will make it to the final three,” Kimmel told Lindsay.

Jimmy also singled out Dr. Brian Abasolo, who "got the first impression rose and you french kissed him. He’s Colombian, that’s exciting."

"Brian will be in the final two.”

He"s fairly certain of this, all from watching The Bachelorette season premiere. They did have a connection, that much is beyond dispute.

And the third contender?!

“And finally, his name is Peter."

"You both have gaps in the front of your teeth,” Jimmy noted, saying that the two would make beautiful babies together, adding:

"You gave him a look when he got out of the limo that is the same look women get on their face when they see a pair of shoes they really love."

The rest, as they say, is history.

“You are engaged to Peter, true or false?” Jimmy confidently asked Rachel, who just smiled and shrugged her shoulders in response.

Will Peter Kraus, 31, become her fiance as Kimmel somehow guessed, without any sort of help from spoilers on the Internet?

Time will tell, but man, his track record is great in recent years. He always nails it somehow! How does this superfan do it!?

Jimmy kimmel predicts the bachelor final three is he right