Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Post-Pregnancy Dating Plans Revealed!

Kailyn Lowry has a lot on her plate these days.

Lowry is expecting her third child; she recently received her bachelor’s degree and is planning on applying to grad programs; and of course, she’s currently filming a new season of Teen Mom 2.

Kailyn has complained about the prospect of raising three kids on her own, and many fans have wondered if she’s looking for a serious relationship.

After months of speculation, we now know that Chris Lopez got Kailyn pregnant, but their time together was reportedly nothing more than a brief fling, and sources say Lopez will only play a small role in the child’s upbringing.

So Kail is officially single.

But from the sound of things, she is not ready to mingle.

According to Radar Online, a new relationship is the last thing on Kailyn’s mind these days.

“Kail doesn’t want to date anyone at all, doesn’t matter the gender,” an insider close to Kailyn tells the site, adding:

“She has no interest in a relationship anytime soon.”

That’s probably for the best, as Kailyn will have her work cut out for her in the months to come.

Asked how she’ll be spending her time instead of dating, the insider replied”

“Focusing on her kids … finding a job in the field she has a degree in.”

Yes, Kail is the latest star of the Teen Mom franchise to begin openly planning for her life post-MTV.

Again, that’s undeniably the smart move.

As popular as the show is now, reality TV fame can end as quickly as it began, and the post-fame years can be brutal.

(For examples, see pretty much everyone from the Jersey Shore who’s not Snooki.)

Kailyn has taken a lot of flak for her decisions this year, but there are few Teen Mom stars who seem to have a better sense of what they want out of life and how to get there than Ms. Lowry.

The years to come will be tough, no doubt about that.

But if there’s anyone on the show who seems to be up to such a daunting task, it’s Kailyn.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the many twists and turns that brought Kailyn to her current place.
