Monday, July 24, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Throwing Shade at Javi Marroquin"s New Girlfriend!

It’s only been a few weeks since we learned that Javi Marroquin is dating Lauren Comeau, but by all accounts, the relationship is moving at breakneck speed.

Both parties have spoken publicly about their long-distance romance, and they say they’re optimistic about their future together.

But that doesn’t mean they haven’t faced their fair share of challenges.

For starters, there’s that whole long-distance thing.

Javi lives in Delaware; Lauren lives in South Carolina, and it seems neither has any intention of relocating.

But couples endure long-distance scenarios all the time.

Javi and Lauren have several other hurdles in front of them, some of which are unique to their situation.

Javi, of course, has a child with his ex-wife, Kailyn Lowry, and it seems she has some strong feelings about him moving on.

Over the weekend, Marroquin tweeted the below photo of himself and Comeau on jetskis.


He captioned the pic simply, “My lady.”

Bizarrely, Kailyn felt the need to comment on the photo herself, tweeting:

“Lmaooooo reminds me of the time we went jet skiing in SC.”

Yeah, there’s pretty much no way to interpret that comment so that it doesn’t equate to serious shade.

Kailyn even threw in Comeau’s home state, possibly so that Javi’s new girl would know the “Lmaooooo” was directed at her.

But hey, we think the soon-to-be mother of three deserves a break on this one.

Kailyn is due to give birth to her third child any day now.

It’s been a hot, humid summer in the northeast; she’s probably feeling a bit anxious and cranky these days.

When on top of all that, you have to look at your ex having a blast in a jet ski with his new girl … well, it’s enough to bring out anyone’s shade-throwing side.

As for Javi, well it seems he wasn’t bothered by the tweet.

“I had an amazing weekend,” Marroquin told Radar when asked about Kail’s mild trash-talk.

“I don’t know why she tweeted that to be honest.”

Hey, a little shade between exes is to be expected.

The important thing is, it seems they’re both still committed to amicably co-parenting together.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Kailyn and Javi’s rocky relationship.
