Showing posts with label Marroquin's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marroquin's. Show all posts

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Briana DeJesus: ALSO Pregnant with Javi Marroquin"s Baby?!

A lot of times in the Teen Mom universe, when it rains, it pours.

Which is to say that when it comes to this delightfully trashy reality show, when the drama happens, it really happens.

And just in case you’re not picking up what we’re putting down right now, we’re saying there’s a great big mess going on right now.

OK, so let’s see … right now, we have the divorce rumors about Jenelle Evans and David Eason, the worrisome lack of updates on Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer.

Tyler Baltierra has been scaring us all with his depressing poetry, we can’t forget that.

Then we have the situation with Kailyn Lowry, Javi Marroquin, and Briana DeJesus.

And it’s a pretty big situation.

As you know, Javi and Briana dated for a few months around the end of last year — about a year after Kailyn and Javi’s divorce was finalized.

There was a little confusion in the beginning of Briana’s thing with Javi, and that led to some intense feuding between Briana and Kailyn.

Kailyn didn’t think that Briana should have been dating him in the first place because they work together, Briana didn’t appreciate Kailyn trying to get in her business.

It was a lot.

They’ve been bickering for months, but things got physical a couple of weeks ago at the filming of the Teen Mom 2 reunion show.

Or, well, they almost did — when Kailyn propositioned Briana for a fight the first time, there were tons of security guards around so it didn’t make sense.

Then when Briana tried to rush the stage to attack Kailyn, she tripped and fell before being restrained.

We heard her sister, Brittany, did manage to get in a little bit of hair-pulling, but that’s about it.

It’s kind of weird that the two ladies are still in such a bad place when Javi isn’t even dating either of them anymore, right?

But then again, we know now that Javi tried to get back with Kailyn after splitting with Briana, so maybe things are even messier than we realize.

Considering that Javi impregnated another girl, Lauren Comeau, approximately three seconds after dropping things with them, that’s a distinct possibility.

Yep, so Javi and Briana broke up in January, he and Kailyn did some stuff shortly after that, he officially got with Lauren in March, and now she’s pregnant and already has a visible bump.

Like we said, this is a lot.

And we’re not even to the new story yet!

See, right now a whole, whole lot of people are thinking that Briana might actually be pregnant with her third child.

Last week, she tweeted “My life literally just took a turn just now and I’m like uhhhhhhhh what now.”

She then added “And no I’m not pregnant lol,” but you know nobody believes her.

“Preggers,” one of her followers insisted.

Another told her “Girl your uterus hasn’t even snapped back from the last kid yet,” which, honestly, is accurate.

And then someone joked “Javi having 2 babies now” … and can you imagine?!

Is there any concrete evidence that Briana is pregnant with Javi’s baby?


But are these people ridiculous enough that she could be pregnant with his baby?

Absolutely, no doubt about it.

We’ll keep an eye on Briana to see if she reveals what it is that caused her her life to take such a turn, and on Javi, just in case he has another maternity photo shoot up his sleeve.

In the meantime … what else could she mean with that cryptic little message?


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Lauren Comeau: Pregnant with Javi Marroquin"s Baby!!!

So much for that Javi Marroquin-Briana DeJesus-Kailyn Lowry love triangle.

The latest episodes of Teen Mom 2 may be focusing on the contentious relationship between these three stars, but a stunning new report makes it apparent that Javi has moved on from both Briana and Kailyn.

Yes, we already knew that Marroquin had jumped back into bed with former girlfriend Lauren Comeau.

But is he really about to place a baby into a crib with her as well?


A pair of very, very reliable sources have an answer to this questiob below…

1. It Will Be a Boy… Or a Girl!

Javi marroquin and lauren comeau selfie

We’ll just come right out with the exciting news right up front: Marroquin wrote “blessings on top of blessings” as the caption to a photo of him cradling his girlfriend’s baby bump. Doesn’t get much more straightforward than that, does it?

2. Okay, Maybe It Does Get More Straightforward:

Javi marroquin and lauren comeau

“Sometimes life’s biggest blessings come in the smallest packages. Baby Marroquin coming soon!” wrote Comeau on her Facebook page, seemingly erasing all doubt about a baby being on the way for the couple.

3. Who the Heck is Lauren Comeau?!?

Kailyn lowry javi marroquin briana dejesus split

We know, right?!? Javi has been linked for years with Lowry, of course, because the two were married and have a son together. From there, he controversially dated fellow Teen Mom 2 star DeJesus.

4. But He Has a History with Comeau, Too

Javi marroquin with lauren comeau

Javi and Lauren pair reportedly started dating in July of 2017 after meeting at a wedding. The duo ended their relationship in September because they lived in different cities.

5. Or Did Javi Cheat on Her?

Javi marroquin cheating on lauren comeau

This has been a long-gestating rumor, and it’s never really been denied by Marroquin or by Comeau.

6. This Time is Different, Though!

Javi and lauren monkeying around

So Marroquin has vowed. “I want to do things differently,” Marroquin told Radar Online in mid-March of 2018 after he got back together with Comeau. “I just want to enjoy it. She’s the only girl that’s been on no TV. It’s just real stuff. ”

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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Briana DeJesus: Is She PREGNANT With Javi Marroquin"s Baby?!

New year, new addition to the ever-growing Teen Mom 2 family?

Yes, fans are convinced there’s a little one on the way for Briana DeJesus, however, their theory is based not on an announcement or an incriminating photo, but rather on what they say is a tell-tale emoji.

Actually, we should say “bitmoji.”

That’s the term for the little cartoon character version of DeJesus that’s been popping up in her Snapchat filters.

As you can see, mini-Bri is sporting a tiny baby bump for 2018.

And since DeJesus uses a lot of filters, and the cartoon versions of herself weren’t previously pregnant, many fans jumped to the conclusion that she’s sending a subtle message.

Obviously, if Bri were pregnant, that would add fuel to the fire of her ongoing feud with Kailyn Lowry.

As far as anyone knows, Briana is still dating Javi Marroquin, Kailyn’s ex-husband and father of her middle child.

The couple began dating in September of 2017, but at first, they kept their relationship on the down-low.

Kailyn has made no secret of the fact that she does not approve of the relationship.

In fact, she’s been quite open about her belief that Briana is simply using Javi to get back at her.

A Briana pregnancy announcement would poke a pretty large hole in that theory, but for the time being at least, it seems Kail doesn’t have to worry about Javiana taking things to the next level.

Briana is currently doing the thing where she pretends to be all shocked that anyone thought she was pregnant, and she’s acting as though she’s baffled by the situation while shooting the rumors down:

“No I’m not pregnant lol just never changed my Bitmoji lol,” Bri tweeted last night.

So we guess that’s that.

Of course, this isn’t the first time that rumors about Briana being pregnant with Javi’s baby have emerged, and it certainly won’t be the last.

The couple is supposedly moving at breakneck speed, despite the fact that Bri lives in Florida, Javi is based in Delaware, and neither seems to have any plan to relocate.

So Kail can breathe a sigh of relief for now, but it’s looking more and more like Briana and Javi are more than just a revenge couple.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Bri acting as the show’s resident disruptor.


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Briana DeJesus: PREGNANT With Javi Marroquin"s Baby?!

Just when you thought the drama surrounding Briana DeJesus and Javi Marroquin"s relationship couldn"t get any more intense, fans are now convinced that Briana is pregnant with Javi"s baby.

The rumor began spreading within hours of news that Javi will soon be deployed with the US Air Force for a second tour of duty.

So will Kailyn Lowry"s ex being greeted by a new bundle of joy when he returns to the States?

We did some investigating, and here"s what we found…

1. Javiana

Briana with javi on instagram

Briana and Javi went from a “friends with benefits” arrangement to a serious relationship in record time. Recently, the Teen Mom 2 co-stars began declaring their love for one another on social media.

2. Revenge Romance?

Kailyn lowry via instagram

It was initially rumored that the couple began hooking up to exact revenge on Javi’s ex and Briana’s rival, Kailyn Lowry. Javi and Bri may have had spite on their minds at first, but that doesn’t seem to be the case any longer…

3. Moving Quickly

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus picture

These days, Briana and Javi’s relationship is moving at breakneck speed. In fact, it seems they’re already planning to take several major steps forward together.

4. Delaware Bound?

Javi marroquin briana dejesus selfie

In a recent social media exchange, Briana stated that she’s planning to move to Delaware to be closer to Javi.

5. It’s Official!

Briana and javi make it official

After making their relationship “Instagram official” the two were chided by TM2 costar Tyler Baltierra, who commented, “Yeah right, you live in Florida.” Briana responded, “I might end up somewhere in Delaware sooooo.”

6. Deployment Baby?

Briana dejesus baby shower

But are Javi and Briana already expecting a child together? Briana took to social media to address the persistent rumor this week…

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Monday, July 24, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Throwing Shade at Javi Marroquin"s New Girlfriend!

It’s only been a few weeks since we learned that Javi Marroquin is dating Lauren Comeau, but by all accounts, the relationship is moving at breakneck speed.

Both parties have spoken publicly about their long-distance romance, and they say they’re optimistic about their future together.

But that doesn’t mean they haven’t faced their fair share of challenges.

For starters, there’s that whole long-distance thing.

Javi lives in Delaware; Lauren lives in South Carolina, and it seems neither has any intention of relocating.

But couples endure long-distance scenarios all the time.

Javi and Lauren have several other hurdles in front of them, some of which are unique to their situation.

Javi, of course, has a child with his ex-wife, Kailyn Lowry, and it seems she has some strong feelings about him moving on.

Over the weekend, Marroquin tweeted the below photo of himself and Comeau on jetskis.


He captioned the pic simply, “My lady.”

Bizarrely, Kailyn felt the need to comment on the photo herself, tweeting:

“Lmaooooo reminds me of the time we went jet skiing in SC.”

Yeah, there’s pretty much no way to interpret that comment so that it doesn’t equate to serious shade.

Kailyn even threw in Comeau’s home state, possibly so that Javi’s new girl would know the “Lmaooooo” was directed at her.

But hey, we think the soon-to-be mother of three deserves a break on this one.

Kailyn is due to give birth to her third child any day now.

It’s been a hot, humid summer in the northeast; she’s probably feeling a bit anxious and cranky these days.

When on top of all that, you have to look at your ex having a blast in a jet ski with his new girl … well, it’s enough to bring out anyone’s shade-throwing side.

As for Javi, well it seems he wasn’t bothered by the tweet.

“I had an amazing weekend,” Marroquin told Radar when asked about Kail’s mild trash-talk.

“I don’t know why she tweeted that to be honest.”

Hey, a little shade between exes is to be expected.

The important thing is, it seems they’re both still committed to amicably co-parenting together.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Kailyn and Javi’s rocky relationship.


Friday, July 14, 2017

Javi Marroquin"s Girlfriend Won"t Do Teen Mom 2 ... Because of Kailyn Lowry?

Last week, we learned that Javi Marroquin is dating Lauren Comeau, a South Carolina resident whom he met through mutual friends.

Thanks to status-obsessed social climbers like Simon Saran and Matt Baier, any time a member of the Teen Mom franchise begins a relationship, there are concerns that the new partner might only be in it for the possibility of wealth and fame.

But that certainly doesn’t seem to be the case with Lauren …

According to Radar Online, Comeau has no interest in becoming a reality star – at least not now.

It seems both she and Javi agree that it’s far too early in their relationship for her to even consider appearing on camera.

“Lauren has not filmed,” Javi told the site in a recent interview.

“We talked about it and right now we like our privacy and like to be able to show Instagram what we want.”

Of course, part of the reason for the decision is that Javi and Lauren have only been dating for a few weeks.

But there are other factors involved, as well.

For one thing, Javi and Lauren are in a long-distance relationship, a situation that she recently admitted has put a considerable amount of stress on their relationship.

Not only would the fact that they live in different states make filming her for the show a logistical nightmare, it might add further complications to a relationship that’s already facing enough challenges.

And not surprisingly, it seems that Javi’s ex wife, Kailyn Lowry, has also factored into Lauren’s decision to remain on the sidelines.

Kailyn and Javi haven’t met yet, and insiders say Lauren is concerned about the possibility of looking as though she’s encroaching on Kail’s turf.

“I’ll meet her when the time is right and when they both think I need to,” she recently told Radar.

“I 100 percent respect her as Lincoln’s mom so when the time comes, I think it’ll go over just fine.”

So it may be a while before we see Lauren on MTV, if it ever happens at all.

In that way, Lauren has a bit in common with Kailyn’s third baby daddy.

Sources say Chris Lopez won’t appear on camera either.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Kailyn and Javi’s tumultuous relationship.


Monday, July 10, 2017

Lauren Comeau: Javi Marroquin"s Girlfriend Wants to Meet Kailyn Lowry!

It was just last week that we learned Javi Marroquin and Lauren Comeau are dating, but it seems the couple is wasting no time with a “getting to know one another” phase.

Despite living in different states, Javi and Lauren are rushing headlong into a serious relationship, zipping past the usual milestones at breakneck speed.

Though they met in person for the first time just a few days ago (Javi and Lauren had been communicating online), both parties have spoken to the press about their relationship, and both seem to agree that things are getting serious in a hurry.

Comeau has spoken about the unique challenges of their relationship, admitting that she and Javi are facing obstacles that most couples will never have to think about.

In addition to the long-distance issue (Lauren lives in South Carolina, Javi in Delaware.), there are the problems presented by fame, and the fact that Javi’s ex-wife, Kailyn Lowry, has an obsessive fan base that’s several million strong.

It’s not a situation that most young women will ever find themselves entering, and we imagine it has to be more than a little intimidating for Lauren.

Comeau opened up about Kailyn and the possibility of meeting her in a recent interview with OK! magazine:

“I’ll meet her when the time is right and they both think I need to,” Lauren told the tabloid.

“I haven’t really put much thought into it,” she added.

“I’m just trying to enjoy the excitement and newness [of our relationship].”

Lauren made sure to clarify that she has no intention of stepping on Lowry’s toes or attempting to take her place as a mother figure to Kailyn and Javi’s son, Lincoln.

“I 100 percent respect [Kail] as Lincoln’s mom, so when the time comes, I think it’ll go over just fine.”

Lowry might feel differently.

She has yet to publicly address Javi’s new relationship in direct fashion, but some fans believe she’s already made her feelings known.

The day Javi announced that he’d found love with Lauren, Kail tweeted:

“Today is not a good day. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.”

Could’ve been unrelated – could’ve been subtle shade.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Kailyn and Javi’s troubled relationship.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Lauren Comeau: Javi Marroquin"s Girlfriend Opens Up Relationship Challenges

Just yesterday, we learned that Javi Marroquin is dating Lauren Comeau, a Maine native and South Carolina resident whom he reportedly met through a mutual friend.

It seems as though the relationship is in its early days, but it also seems that both parties are very, very into it.

Javi gushed about Lauren in a recent interview with Radar Online, and now she’s following suit.

Lauren spoke to the site today, and while she appears to be just as giddy as Javi, she’s also not in denial about the unique difficulties of their relationship.

Comeau seems to have no plans of leaving South Carolina, and with a young son and a cushy reality TV gig, we doubt Javi will be moving relocating outside of Delaware any time soon.

That means that in addition to the challenges of Javi being a reality star with an even more famous ex, Marroquin and Comeau are dealing with the difficulties presented by a long term relationship.

“Distance isn’t ever easy,” Comeau told Radar.

“But we have a lot planned and busy schedules in between so I think we’ll handle it well.”

Comeau also opened up about the unusual way in which she and Javi met.

It seems a mutual friend introduced them online and they communicated for several weeks before meeting in person at a recent wedding.

“We connected through a mutual friend in Delaware and finally got to meet at a recent wedding,” she said.

“We clicked instantly, and just really enjoyed each other’s company. I’m excited to see what happens.”

Javi seemed equally optimistic in his own interview:

“This one feels right,” he told Radar.

He recently posted a photo of himself with Comeau, along with the following caption:

“Sometimes I wish I can go back in life, not to change sh-t just to feel a couple things twice.”

Both parties say they’d like to “take things slow,” but we think their actions are speaking louder than their words.

Gushing to media outlets about your new relationship doesn’t smack of “taking it slow” to us.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Javi’s relationship with his ex, Kailyn Lowry.


Monday, March 20, 2017

Madison Channing Walls: Who is Javi Marroquin"s New Squeeze?

Javi Marroquin has allegedly moved on from Kailyn Lowry.

Not entirely, of course, as he"s writing a hate-filled tell-all about his ex-lover and the mother of his child.

In the bedroom, however, insiders tell In Touch Weekly that Javi is now dating Madison Channing Walls, raising an important question for fans of this Teen Mom star:

Who is Madison Channing Walls?!?

Get to know her below…

1. The Photo That Prompted the Rumor

Madison channing walls and javi

Well, well, well, look right here! It sure looks like Javi Marroquin has found a new lover in Madison Channing Walls, doesn’t it?

2. She Appeared on a Season of The Real World

She appeared on a season of the real world

The Real World: Skeletons, to be exact, which evidently really did air on MTV.

3. She Has a Daughter


Her name is Harper and Madison created her with ex-boyfriend Tony Raines, who also appeared on The Real World.

4. She Got Started Young

Madison channing walls

Walls was a child actress, prior to appearing on The Real World: Skeletons. You wouldn’t be familiar with her credits.

5. She Was Hooked on Heroin

Madison channing walls picture

When Walls was first introduced on The Real World, she was billed as a “recovering heroin addict looking for a fresh start.”

6. But…

Madison channing walls photo

… Walls has been clean and sober for over two years now. Good for her!

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Friday, February 3, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Pregnant With Javi Marroquin"s Baby?!

It’s tough to keep track of what’s going on in with Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin.

When they first separated, Kail and Javi seemed committed to amicable co-parenting.

Unfortunately, they eventually became wrapped up in the drama of a high-profile divorce and began taking shots at one another on social media.

Most recently, they exchanged fire over allegations that Javi caught Kailyn with another man after she’d lied to him and told him she was shopping at Wal-Mart.

Kailyn claimed that the incident was overblown, while Javi insisted that she lied to him because she knew her new boyfriend was someone he didn’t like.

Fans began to suspect that both parties were being evasive and keeping something to themselves.

After all, it seemed a bit strange that a divorced couple would engage in such a public spat over one of them getting involved with someone new.

Couple that with Kailyn’s refusal to film new scenes until producers promised to help her keep certain recent life events private, and it’s not hard to see why fans became suspicious.

One of the rumors flying around social media held that Kailyn was pregnant with Javi’s baby.

A tough one to believe, but it spread like wildfire nonetheless.

(Hey, we are living in the age of “fake news” and “alternative facts.”)

Kailyn addressed the rumors in a recent interview with the Real Mr. Housewife website.

Not surprisingly, she says they’re 100% BS:

“LMAO,” she said in an email interview. “That is 100 percent not true.”

That’s about what we expected, but the fact remains that there are some puzzling aspects to Kailyn and Javi’s relationship.

Obviously, they’re bound for life by the fact that they have a son together, but they generally seem far more preoccupied with one another than most divorced couples.

Since their split, both parties have begun dating again, and in both cases the other party became openly upset about it.

We’re glad that they’re trying to keep the divorce amicable for the sake of their kid, but perhaps they should spend some time apart, only interacting for the sake of their parenting duties.

As long as these two remain so deeply involved in one another’s love lives, drama will remain unavoidable.
