Friday, July 14, 2017

Javi Marroquin"s Girlfriend Won"t Do Teen Mom 2 ... Because of Kailyn Lowry?

Last week, we learned that Javi Marroquin is dating Lauren Comeau, a South Carolina resident whom he met through mutual friends.

Thanks to status-obsessed social climbers like Simon Saran and Matt Baier, any time a member of the Teen Mom franchise begins a relationship, there are concerns that the new partner might only be in it for the possibility of wealth and fame.

But that certainly doesn’t seem to be the case with Lauren …

According to Radar Online, Comeau has no interest in becoming a reality star – at least not now.

It seems both she and Javi agree that it’s far too early in their relationship for her to even consider appearing on camera.

“Lauren has not filmed,” Javi told the site in a recent interview.

“We talked about it and right now we like our privacy and like to be able to show Instagram what we want.”

Of course, part of the reason for the decision is that Javi and Lauren have only been dating for a few weeks.

But there are other factors involved, as well.

For one thing, Javi and Lauren are in a long-distance relationship, a situation that she recently admitted has put a considerable amount of stress on their relationship.

Not only would the fact that they live in different states make filming her for the show a logistical nightmare, it might add further complications to a relationship that’s already facing enough challenges.

And not surprisingly, it seems that Javi’s ex wife, Kailyn Lowry, has also factored into Lauren’s decision to remain on the sidelines.

Kailyn and Javi haven’t met yet, and insiders say Lauren is concerned about the possibility of looking as though she’s encroaching on Kail’s turf.

“I’ll meet her when the time is right and when they both think I need to,” she recently told Radar.

“I 100 percent respect her as Lincoln’s mom so when the time comes, I think it’ll go over just fine.”

So it may be a while before we see Lauren on MTV, if it ever happens at all.

In that way, Lauren has a bit in common with Kailyn’s third baby daddy.

Sources say Chris Lopez won’t appear on camera either.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Kailyn and Javi’s tumultuous relationship.
