Saturday, July 8, 2017

Briana DeJesus: Watch the Teen Mom Star Give Birth!!!

Briana DeJesus used to be on Teen Mom 3, she"s going to be on the new season of Teen Mom 2, and all that came about because she was originally on an episode of 16 and Pregnant.

That means that Briana has been on three different reality shows about being pregnant and becoming a mother.

That means she knows what"s up.

Up until last week, she was a mother of one — the daughter she gave birth to when she was a teenager, Nova.

But last weekend, Briana gave birth to her second child, another little girl she named Stella.

And now, in a shockingly intimate video she shared on Instagram, we"re seeing the exact moment little Stella came into this world.

Is nothing sacred?

Or is nothing worth saving for national television, at least?!

In the video, which is uncomfortably zoomed in on Briana"s face, she"s right in the middle of delivering that baby — she"s crying and moaning and looking generally miserable.

But Nova is there, along with Briana"s mother, and they"re able to get a sweet smile out of her anyway.

Right at the moment of truth, the doctor says "You want to grab her, Briana?"


She grabs the baby out of her body and pulls her up to her chest, and it"s really just a very sweet moment.

"Oh my gosh, she"s so pretty!" Briana exclaims, telling those around her several times how pretty the baby is.


Which, to be fair, is true.

Someone asks Nova how she feels about being a big sister, and she gives a big smile and says "Good!"

There"s a man next to Briana the whole time — we"re assuming that he"s the one filming, and that he"s also the father — but he never speaks, so that situation still seems to be a mystery.

But why focus on the paternity drama when that"s probably what all her Teen Mom 2 segments will be about?

We"ve got some newborn cuteness to bask in here!

As we learned last week, Stella weighed in at 6 pounds and 11 ounces, and she was 19.5 inches at birth.

And, as Briana said, she really is just beautiful.

Congrats, Bri!

Check out Stella"s grand entrance in the video below:

Briana dejesus watch the teen mom star give birth