Saturday, July 8, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian Shows It ALL Off: Sorry "Bout It, Scott Disick!

Is Kourtney Kardashian the hottest Kardashian?

It really depends on your taste — and as soon as you check out this new photo of Kourtney, your taste is going to immediately inform you that yes, Kourtney is the hottest Kardashian.

Kourtney shared the above photo yesterday and … well, we’ll give you a minute to compose yourself.

Or a few minutes.

Really, just take your time. We know it’s a lot to handle.

The photo was taken during Kourtney’s recent vacation to St. Tropez, and by “recent vacation,” we really do mean recent: she only returned home yesterday.

Interestingly enough, she was accompanied on her latest getaway by none other than Younes Bendjima.

We’d heard that their relationship had been cooling off after last month’s trip to Cannes, when Younes confessed that he was falling in love with Kourtney.

Being significantly older than him — she’s 38 to his 23, she’s got three kids and he’s some hot model — she wasn’t exactly feeling that kind of commitment.

But even if they don’t have the romance of the century going on, it looks like they’re still fine with having fun.

And considering how much Kourtney’s dress is riding up in that photo, it’s probably safe to say that they’re having a lot of fun.

Unfortunately, according to a source who spoke with Hollywood Life, things weren’t as carefree and happy in St. Tropez at she would have liked.

“Kourtney is having the best time in Europe with Younes,” the source said, “but Scott is still on her mind — she’s still worried about him going off the deep end.”

Apparently Scott was “partying with a bunch of their mutual friends in Miami for the 4th of July and she was checking up on him.”

“She was having her friends spy on him and report back to her.”

However, “it’s not about her being jealous,” she’s just “worried about his health and just wants to make sure he’s not going too far off the rails the way he did last time she was with Younes.”

Which is fair — the last time she was with Younes was in Cannes, and we all remember how scary Scott’s behavior was there.

The source explained that “Kourtney can’t help it, she still feels like she has to take care of him,” and “it takes a toll on her.”

She’s so concerned that she didn’t even want to go to on this trip with Younes — “her sisters had to talk her into it.”

But don’t worry, things aren’t all bad!

Another source claimed that “Kourtney is surprised that even though Younes is much younger, she’s still learning a lot from him … especially in the bedroom.”

“Younes makes her feel different than ever before. And he actually knows things that she’s never seen.”

And although she’s been worried about Scott, and the situation with Rob Kardashian isn’t making things any less stressful, Younes has been there for her.

“He’s been making things very easy for her,” the source said. “He’s just so much fun.”

Sounds like it!
