Friday, July 21, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 2 Photos: Jon Snow v Littlefinger!

Sure, the Game of Thrones Season 7 finale threw a lot of information at us, but some fans have complained that it failed to really scratch the itch they"ve been nursing for 13 months.

For many, there was too little of certain things (many complained that often felt like a "place-setting" episode and lacked emotion) and too much of others (producers probably should"ve cut the Ed Sheeran quotient by at least half).

We say it was a solid installment, but we can certainly see how it may have left some viewers wanting more.

The first official photos from the season"s second episode don"t tell us a whole lot about what to expect, but according to the GoT formula, episodes that set the stage are usually followed by ones that tear it all down.

Check out the pics below, and watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to get caught up:



1. Jon Snow and Littlefinger Converse

Jon snow and littlefinger converse

Probably not a friendly chat. We’d say they could be talking about the weather, but that’s gonna be the same for like the next 40 years.

2. Arya on the Move

Arya on the move

Okay, she’s been on the move since the end of GoT Season 1. But now, she’s finally on the verge of the revenge and the reunion she’s been waiting for.

3. Sansa in the Snow

Sansa in the snow

Sansa is looking contemplative. She’s probably trying to figure out how to get Jon to stop being such a d-bag with his new power.

4. Jon and Littlefinger At It Again

Jon and littlefinger at it again

Apparently, these two spend a lot of the episode talking in darkened hallways. We’d complain prematurely, but it promises to be a hell of a contentious convo.

5. The Khaleesi and the Hand

The khaleesi and the hand

The Khalessi and her council have set up shop in Dragonstone. We sense a clash of queens in the near future.

6. Sam at the Citadel

Sam at the citadel

Get ready, Hermione Granger fans! This season promises lots of Sam figuring out all kinds of fancy magic things with his book learnin’!

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