Wednesday, July 26, 2017

19 Tinder Profiles That"ll Make You Swipe Left. HARD.

It"s the only question that matters when surfing around Tinder?


Based on the profile of a potential mate, users must decide whether they approve of their fellow user by swiping right… or disapprove by swiping left, hoping never to come across this latter type of individual again.

We"ve collected a bunch of Tinder profiles below, all of which actually exist and all of which people uploaded in the hopes of winning members of the opposite sex over.

But we somehow doubt these will work…

1. Oh, Jesus

Oh jesus

Any time you asked him to “nail” down a date, he’d probably get scared and run away.

2. This is Funny

This is funny

But also potentially dangerous. Run, fellas. RUN!

3. This is Not Funny

This is not funny

Just scary.

4. This is Very Specific

This is very specific

Maybe a little too specific?

5. Just Think of Miss Piggy’s Reaction

Just think of miss piggys reaction

She’ll be PISSED.

6. Comedy? Yes.

Comedy yes

Dressing up like a viking? No.

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