Showing posts with label Swipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swipe. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Teen Mom 2 Recap: We Would Totally Swipe Right On ...

Jenelle and Barbara Evans’ feud continued to escalate on this week’s Teen Mom 2, while Luis delivered a shocker to a reeling Briana.

Elsewhere on Teen Mom 2 Season 9 Episode 10, Leah re-entered the dating world, but the experience was not without its drawbacks.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know Jenelle has been battling her mother Barbara for custody of her son Jace for a long time.

To the surprise of no one, she lost.

Barbara said it’s for the best for the boy, too, and the main reason for that is he’s “scared to death” of Jenelle’s fiance, David Eason.

(Also because Jenelle failed a drug test while pregnant, but that revelation hadn’t come to light at the time this episode was recorded.)

Eason didn’t take kindly to Barb’s actions, saying, “It takes one of the lowest, most selfish pieces of s–t in the world to do what she does.”

“I hate her so f–king much.”

At least for the time being, Jenelle tried to look on the bright side – as much as one can look at that with court-mandated visitation days.

She also promised that her mom would not be invited to her wedding, which would be planned on a weekend in which she has Jace.

So there?

“I don’t consider her as my mom anymore,” Jenelle said of the woman who has raised her son. “She’s completely ruined our relationship.”

Yikes. Speaking of tumultuous relationships, Luis Miguel dropped another bombshell on the expectant Briana DeJesus Monday night:

Luis was going to miss the birth of their child … in order to go to school to be a truck driver. She was stunned, but what can she say?

“How are you a man and you can’t provide for your kid … how can you live with yourself?” Briana said later, referring to her ex.

As Briana noted, he waited until the tail end of her pregnancy to get trained in truck driving, so even if he is doing it so he can provide?

Still pretty frustrating. #justsayin

In West Virginia, Leah Messer decided to go on Bumble, the dating app, to see who’s out there after her divorce from Jeremy Calvert.

Despite her rumored relationship with T.R. Dues, Messer says she hasn’t been on a date since her divorce, and she’s nervous about it!

Her kids were supportive though.

“Go and get a boyfriend,” Addie said, though her first date didn’t exactly live up to expectations. In reality, it was most painfully awkward.

“When you know, you know and that’s a no,” she said with a smile … sometimes all you can do is laugh it off and move on to the next.

Meanwhile, on Father’s Day, Chelsea Houska’s daughter Aubree had to go to her real dad’s house, and she wasn’t thrilled about this.

Why? ‘Cause it’s Adam Lind.

“If he’s just going to sleep and not do anything with you on Father’s Day then you should just come home,” Chelsea told her daughter.

“I know someone who’d love to something with you on Father’s Day,” she added, referring to husband Cole, for good reason.

Later, Aubs showed her mom an “All About My Dad” worksheet she recently filled out at church, and it was beyond touching.

Young Aubree had filled out the paper about Cole, not Adam, and knew all of his favorite things. Cole really is pretty great. 🙂 

Last but not least, Kailyn Lowry’s ex Jo Rivera decided to serve her papers to try to obtain 50-50 custody of their son, Isaac, 7.

Kailyn was really upset.

Pondering Jo’s motivation, Kailyn felt he was likely doing it to prevent her from moving away from him, as she did once before.

(Rivera and his fiancee Vee Torres moved to Delaware to be closer to Kailyn, Isaac, and her then-husband Javi Marroquin.)

“Seeing Jo was stressful but now I have to focus on my graduation,” Kailyn said of her commencement from Delaware State.

To find a job in her field – not just being a professional celebrity – she may end up moving, hence Rivera’s custody concerns.

Stay tuned there.


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

19 Tinder Profiles That"ll Make You Swipe Left. HARD.

It"s the only question that matters when surfing around Tinder?


Based on the profile of a potential mate, users must decide whether they approve of their fellow user by swiping right… or disapprove by swiping left, hoping never to come across this latter type of individual again.

We"ve collected a bunch of Tinder profiles below, all of which actually exist and all of which people uploaded in the hopes of winning members of the opposite sex over.

But we somehow doubt these will work…

1. Oh, Jesus

Oh jesus

Any time you asked him to “nail” down a date, he’d probably get scared and run away.

2. This is Funny

This is funny

But also potentially dangerous. Run, fellas. RUN!

3. This is Not Funny

This is not funny

Just scary.

4. This is Very Specific

This is very specific

Maybe a little too specific?

5. Just Think of Miss Piggy’s Reaction

Just think of miss piggys reaction

She’ll be PISSED.

6. Comedy? Yes.

Comedy yes

Dressing up like a viking? No.

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Friday, May 12, 2017

James Woods Takes Crude Homophobic Swipe at Anderson Cooper (PHOTO)

James Woods went after Anderson Cooper with a brazenly homophobic tweet about Cooper’s now infamous eye roll. The actor posted a GIF of Anderson rolling his eyes during an interview with Kellyanne Conway a few days ago. He captioned it … “As his…


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

9 Celebrities Who Will Probably Swipe You Left on Tinder

Us Weekly has been saying it for years:

Celebrities, they"re just like us!

And that really is the case for the following single stars, who are unmarried and looking for love online, just like many regular folks out there.

Indeed, these athletes, actors and actresses have all had Tinder profiles at one point or another… meaning you are just a swipe away from maybe dating one of them. Good luck!

1. Eric Stonestreet

Eric stonestreet pic

“Yes, I have a Tinder account … I’ve done Bumble, I tried this other website,” the Emmy winner told Ellen DeGeneres on her talk show. “The way I justify it is … because I’m on TV, I shouldn’t be eliminated in participating from what’s going on in the world.”

2. Ronda Rousey

Ronda rousey photo

This former UFC champion told Sports Illustrated that she signed up for Tinder under a fake named – Brynn Campbell – but she didn’t have any luck with the dating app. Your loss, fellas!

3. Chelsea Handler

Chelsea handler nude selfie cropped

No major shock here, right? “I like anonymous random men. That’s exactly what I’m looking for,” the comedian said on her talk show.

4. Andy Cohen

Photo of andy cohen

There’s no shame here, Cohen tells People: “I like it. It’s fun. You know, it’s to me: Where am I going to meet an architect who lives in Brooklyn besides Tinder at this point? It’s the modern-day singles bar.”

5. Eric Andre

Eric andre

Eric Andre wins for best profile photo: it’s his face imposed on to Janet Jackson’s body from her famous “janet.” album cover. As he once quipped to Conan O’Brien: “I’m looking for a lucky lady, or a very unlucky man.”

6. Britney Spears

Britney spears gun show

Spears was convinced to make one during an appearance with Jimmy Fallon. But she really only used is to hawk her perfume.

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