Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Yes, Jared Kushner Appeared on an Episode of Gossip Girl

I have never sought the spotlight.

So stated Jared Kushner after speaking in private to the Senate Intel Committee this week.

The son-in-law of Donald Trump, Kusher answered questions in this session about allegations that he colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 Presidential election, following the revelation that he met on a number of occasions with representatives from that foreign adversary.

In response to the charges, Kushner said simply afterward: "I did not collude."

He also uttered the above quote about the spotlight, which got our attention because… come on, Jared!

We all know you and wife Ivanka Trump appeared on a 2010 episode of the former CW smash Gossip Girl!

It"s true!

You can see for yourself via the screen capture below:

For their cameo, Kushner is presenting an award at a New York Observer party, while Trump is seen smiling in the background.

It actually aired on the couple"s one-year wedding anniversary, and Ivanka later quipped that she wasn"t sure you could refer to what she"s doing in the clip below as "acting, per se."

Ah, that classic Trump self-deprecation!

Check out the throwback video below and think back to a more innocent time… when Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump were simply appeared on teen TV shows, not threatening our national security.

Jared kushner guest stars on gossip girl for real watch now