Thursday, July 27, 2017

Big Brother Recap: Is Josh Really Going Home?!?

With Jessica rising into power in the wake of Cody returning to the game, she knew she had to make the right decision when it came to who to target this week. 

After being rude to her on multiple occasions, she set her sights on Josh, and he made his way to the block along with Ramses who was widely expected to be the pawn in all of it. 

Jessica decided to try and ensure she made the right decision by asking Paul if her target was going home, but he mostly said it was too early to think about it and that they should chat later in the week. 

As expected, Paul quickly decided to rally the votes in an effort to take Ramses out and leave Jessica’s target, Josh firmly on the block. 

Paul warned Josh to lay low all week because if he caused anything, he would likely be sent packing. Josh has proven to be a petulant child throughout the first few weeks of the season, so it was always going to be difficult for him. 

Paul told his team to keep Mark and Elena out of the plan because he did not want them ruining it, and it meant they would become targets next week as they were voting the wrong way. 

While all of the scheming was going down, Cody was trying to increase his social game. Christmas schooled the houseguests on the news that she was the first female member of a NASCAR pit crew. 

Despite seeming to be impressed, Cody laughed about it in the Diary Room, before claiming his interest was all part of a ruse because he wanted all of the houseguests lured into a false sense of security. 

Christmas, Jason, and Cody were also picked to play along in the veto competition. The competition was a memory wall challenge that found Jessica winning her second competition in a row. 

Surprisingly, Cody threw the competition in the hopes of saving Jessica’s hair. Yes, he loves her that much. Still, they’re playing Big Brother. 

Get it together. 

Jessica and Cody question whether to use the veto, but Paul’s plan to tell Josh to remain sad meant she decided against it. This was down to the fact she thought everyone was voting with her for the week. 

There was some paranoia that almost found her nominating Alex in place of Ramses, but Cody shut it down. 

So, that means Jessica and Cody will be blindsided in tonight’s eviction special. Will Jessica get wind of it and use her Halting Hex power?

Hit the comments below!
