Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Jinger Duggar Sports Tight Pants, Continues to Stun Fans

Now that she’s married, Jinger has started wearing pants.

As scandals go that would normally fall somewhere between “she doesn’t cut her sandwishes diagonally,” and “she hangs the toilet paper so that it faces the wall.”

But Jinger is a Duggar, which means that prior to getting married, she was only permitted to wear skirts.

Her husband, Jeremy Vuolo, doesn’t share Jim Bob Duggar’s view that women’s jeans are stitched by the devil himself in the garment district of hell, so he bought his wife a pair of Levi’s shortly after their wedding.

Apparently it was like giving a house elf an article of clothing in the Harry Potter series, because Jinger is now a free woman.

Not only is she wearing pants these days, Jinger is wearing shorts!

Her legwear seems to be getting tighter with time, and as you can see in the pic above, she’s not shy about showijg off her new fashion sense on social media.

The photo probably had her father rounding up a pitchfork posse, but thus far, it seems fans are loving it.

“Such a cute couple! Jinger needs to get into the fashion business!” wrote one fan.

“Jill probably needed to be escorted to the fainting couch when she saw this outfit,” joked another.

Interestingly, Jinger has yet to comment on her decision to begin sporting less formal attire.

And she has yet to sport her pants on the family’s reality show, which is proably no coincidence.

Creepily, Jinger’s legs at currently in the middle of a power struggle between her husband and her father.

Jinger wears pants because Vuolo says she can, and while Jim Bob can’t contest the decision, he reportedly doesn’t like it.

Sources say he’s strongly encouraged Jinger to not wear pants in his presence or on television.

You’d think JB would have something bigger to worry about than what sort of clothing his adult daughter is wearing.

Maybe he should spend more time concerned about his child molester son who’s a free man with children of his own.

Just sayin’,

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