Thursday, July 20, 2017

Aaron Carter: I Have an Eating Disorder, Leave Me Alone!

It’s been a bit of a week for Aaron Carter, hasn’t it?

On Saturday night, he was arrested in Georgia for a DUI and drug possession, and it seems like he’s been on the verge of a breakdown ever since.

It’s actually been really, really hard to watch.

Earlier this week, Aaron did a lengthy interview with Entertainment Tonight to talk about the DUI and more — for instance, he explained that he wasn’t drunk when he was arrested.

He said that local police got a call that he was driving recklessly, but it was because the alignment was off on his car. He drove to an AutoZone to figure out the issue, and that’s where he was arrested.

It seems far-fetched, but some reports have specified that his arrest was actually for a DUI refusal, meaning that there was reason to suspect he was driving under the influence but he refused any testing.

So hey, he could be telling the truth.

Aaron also claimed that he doesn’t even drink, and that he only smokes the marijuana he was found with for anxiety and to help increase his appetite.

And speaking of his appetite …

In new excerpts from Aaron’s interview, he gets into his appearance and the alarming amount of body shaming he faces on a daily basis.

He says that the reason he’s so thin is because of a hiatal hernia, which he’s mentioned before, but that he also suffers from an eating disorder, which he calls a “stress condition.”

Just when you thought Aaron Carter’s story couldn’t get any sadder …

“I have a stress condition of an 80-year-old man,” he explains. “I am also lactose intolerant.”

He says that he weighs around 135 to 140 pounds and that he’s 5’8″, and his doctors have advised him to “avoid stress, because I can develop cancer.”

He doesn’t get into much detail about his health, but he does explain at length how all the criticism about his appearance makes him feel.

“How would you feel every two seconds, seeing a tweet, ‘You have AIDS. Go die. Oh, look at this meth head. Oh, meth kills. Crack kills,"” he asks, giving an example of the messages he receives.

“It’s body shaming and it’s the toughest thing to deal with.”

“I am not a meth head,” he adds. “I have never touched it in my life.”

He even shows off his teeth and his skin as proof, and he’s right — he doesn’t look like he’s on meth.

He just looks very, very thin.

The poor guy says it “hurts so bad” to even look in a mirror these days, because “there’s nothing I can do about it.”

He’s so insecure about his appearance that he gets fillers in his face, just to plump things up a little bit.

When asked what he would say to his haters if he could, he broke down in tears, crying “I’m sorry. I am sorry for the way that I look.”

Thankfully, Aaron says that he’s going to a training camp soon, and that he hopes to get healthier there — and he asked people to “Give me a break so I can look better, so I can eat.”

He even says that a lot of men have been reaching out to him to thank him for opening up about his issues with weight, because with celebrities, it’s usually just women who talk about body image.

“The difference,” he theorizes, “is men are a lot more prideful. We don’t want to admit it. I don’t want to admit I don’t look good.”

But it does seem like he’s on the right track now.
