Friday, July 28, 2017

Rick Ross: I Can"t Sign Female Rappers! I Would F--k Them!

Having your own business is a good thing. It gives you a lot of control over several things to do with said business. 

For people like Rick Ross, it gives him the ability to have creative control over his music. 

But that’s not all.

It also allows him to pick and choose who he does business with, and in a new interview, it’s clear he has to be picky, or he runs the risk of being on the receiving end of some lawsuits. 

The rapper is appearing on VH1’s reality series, Signed, and he opened up about what you have to be like to snag a lucrative recording contract with him. 

“When I’m looking for artists, I’m really just looking for something that I’ve never seen, first and foremost,” he said.

“If it’s something that’s unique, that’s something that’s in demand. After that, I want to see that hunger. I just need to see that hunger, you know what I mean?”

“Because I’ve seen artists that have maybe less talent but more drive make it to the top first, you know what I mean? To me, that’s extremely important. Once you show me something unique, and you show me that hunger, Double-M G is ready to rock.”

Basically, it’s the category people would fall into if they were looking for a record deal, host, Angela Yee noticed that the label had signed a grand total of zero females, and Rick had the most horrible response to her perfectly valid question. 

“You know, I never did it because I always thought, like, I would end up f–king the female rapper and f–king the business up. I’m so focused on my business. I gotta be honest with you,” the record executive said while trying to keep a straight face.

Surely, if he was “so focused” on the business, he would be able to keep things strictly professional. 

“She’s lookin’ good, I’m spending so much money on her photo shoots—I gotta f–k a couple times.”

We’re all for honesty here, but that has got to be the most bizarre and downright terrible reason for not letting females have a contract with him. 

He went one step further and essentially told Angela that he would hit bone town with her if she were to be lucky enough to wind up with him. 

“Like, if I signed you or something, I would have to…,” he said.

“Shut up,” Yee said with a laugh, but she was clearly frustrated by the lack of female presence at the label and rightfully so. 

Yee then said that he had a good working relationship with fellow rapper, Trina, in the past. 

“She’s most definitely somebody I would love to have, vibe with on that level,” he said, “but she had a situation with somebody that was a big homie in my city, one of my big-time homies, one of the big homies…I’m just one of those dudes. If you rock with one of my homies, you know, cool. Imma spare you.”

With Trina, he added, “I was able to just focus on the music and the records.”  

If he wanted to garner some press for the VH1 series, he definitely accomplished that goal, but he went the complete wrong way about it. 

Instead, he’s essentially offended a lot of people, and proven that he’s a misogynistic pig. Hardly the best way to promote your series and brand, right?

We definitely think a lot less of Rick after his horrible comments, and we’re not the only ones. Rick took to Facebook to apologize for his remarks because he understood they were not the best words to use. 

“I want to address an insensitive comment I made on a very sensitive issue, especially in a minority dominated industry like hip hop,” the rapper wrote.

“My entire empire’s backbone is led by 2 of the strongest people I know and they happen to be women, my mother and sister. The operations wouldn’t run without them and I have the highest regard and respect for women in this industry. I have a daughter myself, my most cherished gift in the world.”

He continued, “My comment is not reflection of my beliefs on the issue. A mistake I regret. I hope to use my mistake, my platform and the community to create positive discussion to implement change on a very important issue. respect for the ones who stand up to say hey that isn’t right. Now it’s time to accept responsibility and all do better.”

“I look forward to continue working with & supporting female artists. my discovery process was documented by vh1 on #signed which premiered last night. Many of the most talented artists you’ll see in the running to be the next #MMG superstars are female artists. I look forward to clarifying my comments through my support.”

Ross concluded, “Thank you to everyone who’s going through the journey with me, we coming out everyday stronger.”

If you want to promote something, don’t single out a gender and say you can’t work with them because you would “f–k” them. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!
