Monday, August 21, 2017

Tiny to T.I.: We Are So Over!

We think it’s fair to say that Tiny and T.I. have had one of the craziest romances out there. 

When they’re not fighting, they’re trashing each other in the press or making babies.

With their VH1 reality show now a thing of the past, it looks like their relationship is set to finally become extinct. 

According to Hollywood Life, Tiny is ready to move on from T.I. and wants the divorce to go through sooner rather than later. 

Apparently, she did some “real soul searching and pretty much admitted to herself that Tip is likely to never be able to be faithful to her and to give her what she needs emotionally.”

“But, now comes the tough part, maintaining her resolve and following through. Because, one thing’s for sure, Tip’s not going to let her go without putting up one more fight.”

Her bold new outlook apparently came on the heels of her spending some time away from T.I. in the Caribbean and Dominican Republic. 

Tiny previously put her divorce on hold in order to gather her thoughts, and unfortunately for Tip, it sounds like she knows their marriage was passed its sell-by date long ago. 

We could argue that the same could be said about Tip’s career, but we won’t even go there because we wouldn’t want to make him cry. 

“It was a much needed trip after she decided to put the divorce on hold,” the source continues.

“It was great for Tiny to get away, have some R&R, and talk things through with her girls — to get a reality check.”

“When Tip’s around it’s impossible for Tiny to think rationally, she gets overwhelmed by emotion, and he’s a master at manipulating her. Her head gets clouded, and her heart takes over.”

It made sense for Tiny to go away and gather her thoughts. If Tip does not want her to leave him, it’s difficult for her to be objective about their dire relationship while he’s in her ear. 

Obviously, the back and forth is difficult to keep up with, so it would not be surprising if they announced they were renewing their vows. 

It’s tiring, and the line will not be drawn on their relationship until that divorce becomes official, so until then, we’re not holding our breath for them to part ways. 

There were reports just a few months back that Tiny was pregnant just months to Tip just months after filing for divorce.

What do you think about all of this?

Is this a desperate ploy to revive their reality TV series? Let’s face it; the show had respectable ratings for VH1. 

It would be a surprise if they did not snag another series down the line. 

Sound off below!
