Saturday, August 12, 2017

Taylor Swift Wins! Judge Dismisses DJ Lawsuit Against Singer

Taylor Swift is on a solid winning streak.

First, as evidenced by the way Katy Perry backtracked and basically apologized to her one-time rival this spring, Swift definitely came out on top in her rivalry with her fellow artist.

And now Taylor has undoubtedly defeated David Mueller in court.

The DJ had brought a defamation lawsuit against Swift after she accused him of sexual misconduct, an allegation that got Mueller fired.

He claimed in court that Swift cost him his job and sued her for $ 3 million.

But U.S. District Judge William Martinez ruled on Friday that Mueller lacked sufficient evidence to prove the pop star was responsible for Mueller losing his job, a decision that left Swift visibly emotional soon after it was announced.

In June of 2013 Mueller was working at country music station 98.5 KYGO when he attended Swift’s concert at Denver’s Pepsi Center.

After the show, Mueller posed for a picture backstage with Swift, who alleged soon afterward that the DJ reached under her skirt and grabbed her butt while the pair stood side-by-side.

The superstar’s bodyguard led Mueller out of the arena at the time.

He was later fired and eventually took Swift to court for making a false statement against him.

Taylor never backed down, however.

In fact, she filed a countersuit against Mueller for sexual assault and battery; a case that will move ahead to jury deliberation next Monday.

(Swift is seeking $ 1 million in damages. )

Swift took the stand in her own defense against Mueller this week, receiving a great deal of praise for sticking to her story and laying the blame for this ugly incident directly on Mueller’s shoulders.

On many occasions, Mueller’s attorney tried to get Swift to admit some sort of wrongdoing, but the singer was NOT having it.

“It was a definite grab, [a] very long grab,” Swift said in court, according to ABC’s Denver affiliate. “It was long enough for me to be completely sure it was intentional…

“He stayed on my bare ass cheek as I lurched away from him uncomfortably.

“The first couple of milliseconds, I thought it must be a mistake. I moved to the side very quickly.”

Why did Swift wait a little while before reporting what happened?

Taylor was not about to be victim-shamed.

“Your client could have taken a normal photo with me,” she replied.

Swift said it appeared as if Mueller was intoxicated at the time of their meeting, while her mother said on the stand that she wanted to “vomit and cry” after what happened to her daughter.

Swift has not commented publicly on this ruling.

But we hope she’s deservedly celebrating in response to it.
