Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Sadie Robertson: Justin Bieber, Hit Me up!

The horror that was Duck Dynasty finally came to an end last March, but the Robertson family still exists and some still have careers on camera.

20-year-old Sadie Robertson has an upcoming Hallmark movie and gave an interview, which you can see below.

In it, when asked about her celebrity crush, she names Justin Bieber … and explains why. She also suggest that he "hit her up."

Okay, so if you are in the enviable position of having forgotten about Duck Dynasty. …

It was a reality series that followed an aggressively conservative Louisiana family, some of whom sport some very prominent beards, who have their own business.

(It"s not the same as Swamp People, but we totally understand your confusion)

Duck Commander is the name of their hunting supply business (which involves duck calls — thus, the name). Many found that the family, despite their wealth, had a degree of rustic charm.

Hunting is controversial, but for the most part the very devout Christian family might seem eccentric but innocuous … until you get into politics.

They famously came under fire and one of the show"s stars, Phil Robertson, was temporarily banned from airing after espousing some seriously anti-gay views in an interview.

After the show"s fans — not hate-watchers but genuine fans — raised hell about it, A&E decided that apparently he was worth the controversy, and reinstated him.

Phil Robertson was a vocal supporter of Ted Cruz during the 2016 GOP primaries, doubling down on his anti-LGBT beliefs and his support for dominionist theology — that is, that Christian conservatives must control every aspect of government.

Willie Robertson supported Trump — as with so many families, support for Trump was a source of division in the Robertson family.

And Sadie Robertson, though she was only 19 at the time, was also a Trump supporter. So … yikes.

(To be fair, she"s very young. And Trump isn"t the only, uh, questionable support that she"s expressed. Sadie also thinks that Josh Duggar just made a mistake)

Sadie Robertson still has a public career after Duck Dynasty, through acting and modeling.

She was also on Dancing With The Stars, of course.

So, in a recent interview about her upcoming Hallmark Channel movie, Sadie was asked about her celebrity crushes.

Her answer, like the reason behind it, was not super surprising.

"Now that Justin Bieber is going to all these Christian conferences, I"m like: "Hit me up, Biebs.""

Like, she"s 20 and Justin Bieber is 23. 

She"s in exactly the age range of the people who were the wildest for Bieber when he first came out.

The "Christian conferences" to which she refers include the Hollywood megachurch where Justin Bieber and Kourtney Kardashian have been spotted.

Recently, of course, Justin Bieber canceled his tour for vague religious reasons, after falling under the influence of a charismatic pastor from a globe-spanning megachurch that caters to celebrities.

Basically, he was advised to reconsider some of his choices in a religious context, and he apparently decided that he shouldn"t continue his tour. Hey, it"s his faith and his life.

Clearly, that got some people"s attention — and not just the fans who worry about him or the hopeful concert-goers who were disappointed and not the hundreds of workers who had to scramble to find new work after he abruptly canceled.

(Big stars insure their shows for just such an occasion, but local people who work those events are left hanging when stars cancel on a whim)

But Sadie Robertson was obviously someone who took notice and took an interest.

Though, let"s be real — she probably took an interest a long time ago.

Is Justin going to take her up on it?

Like, he might — especially now that he"s fallen under the sway of this celebrity-catering megachurch and its charismatic pastor.

But in the past couple of years, Justin has seemed to prefer girls who are professed and genuinely devout Christians, as he is …

(Remember that his mom has been known to post End Times stuff on Instagram, so this is the culture that he knows)

… But who aren"t super big on, say, any degree of modesty culture or chastity.

He"s also been known to send DMs, inquiring after random attractive women he sees online.

Just recently, the Biebs was hilariously rejected after doing just that.

Sadie is from a much more conservative family.

So we don"t think that Justin and Sadie would quite match up.

What we don"t know is if Justin will realize that.

Sadie robertson justin bieber hit me up