Saturday, August 12, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Having Kids Totally Changed Me!

When you think of Kim Kardashian, odds are you don’t think of heartwarming essays on motherhood.

You probably just think of stuff like butts and Ray J and 72-day marriages.

And that’s fair — Kim has been famous for a very, very long time now, and it makes sense that there are certain things about her that stick out more than others.

But just because you may think of Kim as more of a sex symbol and less of a Mother of the Year doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have strong feelings when it comes to her kids.

And, lucky for us and our tender hearts, she’s revealing those feelings in a new post she made to her website!

Yesterday was apparently National Son’s and Daughter’s Day — don’t feel bad if you didn’t know, who can keep up with all the “holidays” anymore?

But Kim did know, and to celebrate the special day, she wrote about her own son and daughter.

“Having kids changes everything — in the best way possible,” she wrote. “Thank you to my babies for choosing me and allowing me to be your mom.”

Sweet, right? But hold on, it just gets better!

“I have such an unconditional love for my kids,” she continued. “No matter what, I will always love them and support them in anything they choose to do in life.”

She also wrote that “My family was so close growing up; now that I’m a mom, I understand the bond my mom and dad felt with us.”

Kim admitted that “There can be ups and downs with kids,” but “no matter what, I always learn so much from them.”

“Being a mom is the most important job I have. Each day, I learn something new from them and I’m so blessed to be able to be present for all of life’s little moments.”

To wrap things up, she explained for her, having kids meant that her “priorities changed.”

“It’s not about me anymore. After North was born, I wanted to be there and make memories together that we would share forever.”

Having children “really makes you realize how precious life is,” she said.

“They both give me a whole new perspective and inspire me to be the best version of myself.”

Aww, Kimmy!

Whether you love her or hate her — though let’s be real, you probably don’t so much hate her as you love to hate her — it’s obvious that she really has changed since becoming a mother.

And although it’s not like she was wild before having kids, it’s definitely been a change for the better.

She seems calmer now, and a little less concerned with what the masses think of her.

She also seems like she’s having a better time with life in general.

And since she’s expecting her third child via surrogate early next year, it’s probably good that motherhood suits her so well!

Proud of you, Kim!
