Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Jackson Roloff Takes Special Trip, Meets Special Woman

This has been quite the week for Jackson Roloff.

First, the newest and cutest member of the Little People, Big World cast was taken the happiest place on Earth by his parents.

No, we aren’t referring to the Roloff family farm, although smiles abound there any time Jackson stops by.

We’re talking about Disneyland!

The destination holds a unique place in Tori Roloff’s heart and she simply couldn’t wait to take her baby son there for the first time.

“What a day. I definitely cried as we left my favorite place,” she wrote as a caption to the picture above,adding:

“It was such a treat to be able to take my son to Disneyland for the first time. It’s the first of many I’m sure, but this trip will always hold a special place in my heart!!”

How sweet and enjoyable and nice for the family, right?

Wrong, according to some people on the Internet for some reason.

“He’s not going to even remember,” reads a comment on Tori’s Instagram page. “Maybe you should have waited until he was three or four; it would have meant more. Just saying.”

And we’re just saying: mind your own business, stranger!

Taking one’s child at three months doesn’t preclude one from also taking this child at three years… or four years… or any time at all after that.

Said another online troll:

“The heat must have been unbearable for him. Since the place must have been packed during this last couple of weeks before school starts, can you imagine the airborne viruses and other bacteria he’s been exposed to? ‘

“I hope and pray that at three months, his immune system is strong enough to fight off all these exposures.”

Look, Internet users: We trust that Zach and Tori are capable of monitoring their own child’s temperature levels and responding accordingly.

There’s also a strong belief that exposing a baby to various forms of bacteria actually strengthens their immune system.

Finally, once again, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!

Thankfully, Tori and Zach have not been bothered by this criticism.

Especially not after Jackson met a very special woman shortly after his Disneyland adventure:

“Baby J got to meet his great grandmother,” Tori wrote as a caption to this image.

“He has no idea how special this woman is. Marmee- as we call her- is truly the kindest woman I have ever met. She is the best grandma I could ever ask for and Jackson is so blessed that he gets to share her too!

“Baby J is so loved and I am so thankful for that!”

The Roloffs recently shared a handful of professional photos of Jackson on social media, pleasing fans who have following them for years.

Soon enough, meanwhile, we’ll be treated to picture of a different baby, as Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff will be welcoming a girl any day now.

How exciting is that?!?
