Thursday, August 24, 2017

Jon Gosselin: I Will Fight For My Kids! I"m Doing What"s Right!

Embattled father of eight, former reality star and sometime DJ Jon Gosselin says he will do whatever it takes to protect his family.

Even if that means taking on his ex-wife Kate … for the eighth consecutive year. Seriously, these two have never stopped fighting.

Yesterday, in news that was simultaneously shocking and not at all shocking, the cops were called after Jon and Kate’s latest dispute.

Jon reportedly called authorities to ROG Orthodontics in Wyomissing, Penn. over a “verbal domestic dispute” with his former spouse.

Wyomissing Police said the warring parties could not agree as to which one of them their 13-year-old daughter would go home with.

Ultimately, no arrests were made after Jon and Kate’s fight at the orthodontist, but it even got physical, and their teenager paid a price.

Kate allegedly attempted to remove Hannah from Jon’s car by grabbing her arm, at which point he encouraged her to resist her mom.

Hannah ended up in the hospital after being transported via ambulance, according to reports from the disturbing scene. Totally insane.

Eventually, officers escorted Kate out of the building and the child left with Jon at her request, but it’s safe to say this dispute isn’t over.

This isn’t the first time in recent memory that Jon and Kate have clashed in ugly fashion over their sextuplets and twins’ custody situation.

His attorney, Kristen Doleva-Lecher, told E! News that a separate incident occurred between the ex-couple in a parking lot just last week.

As a result, Jon is making an effort to “do what is right,” his attorney says, lamenting that the two just can’t get along – but blaming Kate.

“The ability to co-parent is desirous in all custody matters, unfortunately in this case, [that] remains a theory, not a reality.” 

“It should be known Jon has been aggressively and relentlessly fighting for his kids. Jon is frustrated by recent events,” she said.

That said, the 40-year-old is steadfast that he’s acting in his kids’ best interests and “will not be derailed in his efforts to do what is right.”

Jon and Kate, who starred on the TLC series Jon & Kate Plus 8 (now Kate Plus 8) before their 2009 split, share eight children together.

They have 16-year-old twins Cara and Madelyn and 13-year-old sextuplets Aaden, Alexis, Collin, Hannah, Joel and Leah.

Over the years, their inability to amicably co-parent has kept them in the news more than any reality TV stardom they enjoyed.

If anything, it’s gotten worse over time.

In 2015, Jon filed for full custody of Hannah, because as a source said, “she is unhappy and uncomfortable in the house with Kate Gosselin.”

In 2016, Jon said their custody deal allows him to see only four kids at once, during weekly dinners and overnights every other weekend.

A separate insider noted that “the custody situation has been changing over the past month and it’s been very hard on the kids.”

Asked about reports that she was investigated by Child Protective Services, last year, Kate she insisted there’s no truth to the rumors.

“I’m in the public eye. I have been investigated many times,” she said in an interview with Good Morning America.

“It’s always unfounded, obviously.”
