Thursday, August 10, 2017

Taylor Swift Details "Horrifying" Sexual Assault in Court

Back in 2015, Taylor Swift alleged that she was groped by David Mueller, a radio DJ whom she met at an event in Denver.

Swift filed suit against Mueller last year, and this week, and this week, the case finally went to trial.

Today, the singer took the stand and offered a shocking account of the alleged assault she endured.

“It was a definite grab, [a] very long grab,” Swift said in court, according to ABC’s Denver affiliate.

“It was long enough for me to be completely sure it was intentional.”

She added:

“He stayed on my bare ass cheek as I lurched away from him uncomfortably,” Swift explained. “The first couple of milliseconds, I thought it must be a mistake. I moved to the side very quickly.”

Swift says that in the moments following the incident, she was too stunned to shove Mueller away or call for help.

“After this happened, a light switched off in my personality,” she said.

“I just said in a monotone voice, ‘Thank you for coming.’”

It’s a phenomenon described by many victims, yet lawyers for Mueller attempted to use Swift’s lack of an outward reaction to their advantage.

Pressed by Mueller’s attorney about why she didn’t reveal what had happened until later, a reportedly stunned Swift replied:

“Your client could have taken a normal photo with me.”

The lawyer then switched focus to Taylor’s bodyguard at the time, Greg Dent, suggesting that he may have been somehow to blame for the incident.

“[Mueller’s] hand was under my skirt,” Taylor emphasized, adding, “[My] bare ass.”

The attorney proceeded to ask Taylor why Dent was no longer under her employ, and she revealed that he declined a position during an unrelated “restructuring” that took place after the incident.

Refocusing the cross-examination on the severity of the allegations against Mueller, Swift said:

“What Mr. Mueller did was, like I said, very intentional, and the location was very intentional.”

She added:

“And I wasn’t going to blame [my bodyguard] Greg Dent…none of us expected this to happened. It had never happened before.”

Swift went on to reveal that she believes Mueller and his girlfriend were intoxicated at the time of the incident:

“It appeared to me that the two of them had both had a couple of drinks beforehand,” she said.

Taylor’s mother, Andrea Swift, also took the stand, telling the court that she wanted to “vomit and cry” after learning of the incident.

She also stated that she knew something terrible had taken place when she saw the photos from that night.

“I knew there was something horribly wrong in that picture,” Andrea said.

“I know those eyes better than anybody. She was pulling away. She has that smile frozen on her face, but there’s something going on in her eyes. I just looked at it and I was sickened.”

Bizarrely, it was Mueller who kicked off all the legal wrangling when he sued Swift in 2015, accusing her of getting him fired from his job at Denver radio station KYGO.

Mueller claimed that it was a former colleague of his, Eddie Haskell, who had groped Swift.

He dropped the allegation after being sued by Haskell.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.
