Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Jason Hoppy: I Might Not Be Done Bothering Bethenny Frankel!

It looks like Jason Hoppy is still torturing Bethenny Frankel — this time, in the court room.

Be careful with whom you marry, folks.

Some people just cannot let go, and that relationship can haunt you for years.

It’s hard to forget that Bethenny Frankel’s ex, Jason Hoppy, is accused of harassing and stalking the Real Housewife.

Their marriage has been over for ages, but it seems like he can’t get over it.

Back in June, Jason Hoppy was arraigned for additional stalking charges against Bethenny, which is creepy and also unsettling.

(Like, if the first run-in with the law — remember, Jason Hoppy was arrested back in January — doesn’t get a guy to back off … you have to wonder what will)

It’s sadly not uncommon for men to stalk their exes.

In some cases, it’s an obsession where they can’t process that the relationship has come to an end.

In others, it’s outrage over a loss of control and a desire to reclaim control.

Often, it’s both.

It’s a little unusual for such a high profile ex couple to have this problem, but it happens at every strata of society.

The sick joke of prosecuting someone for stalking is that the person pressing charges — their victim and accuser — has to continue to be exposed to them throughout court proceedings.

Bethenny’s nightmare could end soon … but don’t hold your breath.

Page Six reports that prosecutors have offered Jason Hoppy a plea deal.

The deal sounds hella generous, in our opinion.

Reportedly, Assistant District Attorney Travis Wolf offered to have the charged dismissed if Jason Hoppy offers up a guilty plea and leaves Bethenny Frankel alone.

(For real, this time)

That’s … a sweetheart deal, right?

Sure, a guilty plea will go on Jason Hoppy’s record, but anyone can search his name and come up with “stalking” pretty quickly, even if they’ve just emerged from a cave and have never heard of The Real Housewives of New York City.

But no jail time? No ongoing prosecution?

All that he has to do is say “yeah, my bad” and leave his ex alone — which he should have been doing all along.

The only problem — the only thing stopping this battle from ending for Jason and for Bethenny — is that Jason Hoppy isn’t sure yet about accepting the deal.

Honestly, that makes us wonder if there’s something that we’re not getting.

It’s possible that Jason Hoppy’s goal is just to try to make Bethenny suffer — remember that their agonizing divorce lasted for three years.

Page Six reports that a source tells them that this recent restraining order has massively improved Bethenny’s life.

“The restraining order worked. Bethenny has been a different person. She’s been allowed to have a free and happy life.”

That’s super nice.

Especially talking about a woman who was recently described as not deserving love.
