Thursday, August 17, 2017

Kim Kardashian & Kanye West: We"re Trying For a Third Baby!

Weeks ago, it was widely reported Kim Kardashian and Kanye West had hired a surrogate to carry their third child.

Some even went so far as to claim that Kim and Kanye’s surrogate is several months along, and a new addition to the Kardashian-West clan is expected by the end of the year.

Now, Kim is putting the brakes on that particular rumor train, while at the same time offering a hint about her growing family’s future.

Alongside her sisters and mother, Kim covers the new issue of The Hollywood Reporter in celebration of what the magazine has dubbed “the Kardashian decade.”

Asked about the surrogate rumors, Kim played coy, refusing to confirm that there’s any truth to the reports, but revealing that she does see a baby in her near future.

“I hope so,” Kim said, on the subject of a third child.

“There have been a lot of things said and Kanye and I have not confirmed anything. We’re definitely trying. We are hoping so.”

Kim made a point of not going into specifics, but it sounds like reports of a surrogate who’s ready to deliver any day now were greatly exaggerated.

While it sounds as though the process has not yet begun, surrogacy seems to be the most likely path for Kim.

Her first two pregnancies were complicated by placenta accreta, a painful condition in which the placenta grows into the wall of the womb, preventing it from detaching at the time of birth.

Kim has described having her placenta surgically removed in 2013 as “the most painful experience” of her life.

On a recent episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kim revealed that she’s ruled out the possibility of getting pregnant a third time.

“I feel like surrogacy is the only option for me,” she stated at the time.

In June, People reported that Kim and Kanye have hired a surrogate, but based on the language Kim used in THR interview, it sounds as though the surrogate is not yet pregnant.

Of course, Kim could just be keeping the pregnancy out of the prying eyes of the media.

Whatever the case, we’re sure the fans and tabloids will keep right on speculating.

There are many perks to being a Kardashian, but privacy isn’t one of them.
