Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Wendy Williams Stands By Husband Amidst Ugly Cheating Rumors

Wendy Williams makes a living by commenting on the lives of famous people.

But the irritating talk show host has now been forced to issue a statement about her own life… in light of some rather scathing accusations leveled against her husband.

According to The Daily Mail, Kevin Hunter, Williams’ husband over over a decade, is leading what the newspaper describes as a “double life.”

Sources have alleged to the publication that Hunter has been having an affair with a 32-year old massage therapist named Sharon Hudson.

Hunter – who shares a teenage son with Williams – has supposedly been splitting his time in New Jersey with his wife and, secretly, in a house just nine miles away that he bought for his mistress.

That’s some impressively ballsy cheating if such a set-up actually exists!

Public records do show that Hunter purchased this second property in 2004 and that Hudson has been living there since 2015.

Hunter helps manage Williams’ career and also co-owns a production company with his wife. He’s said to legitimately be “in love” with both women.

A rep for Williams named Ronn Torossian has denied rumors of an affair, telling The Daily Mail:

“One plus one does not equal three. This woman is a friend of Mr. Hunter but there is no there there.”

But photographs tell a different story.

Hunter was spotted canoodling with Hudson in Morristown, New Jersey mere days after he was also seen in Barbados with Williams.

To her credit, meanwhile, Williams did not avoid this topic on her talk show Tuesday morning.

She addressed it head on.

“It’s weird doing Hot Topics and being a hot topic,” she said, following supportive applause from her audience before adding:

“It’s some sort of weird story going around the Internet regarding my husband…

“You can believe what you want, but… I stand by my guy. We commuted this morning.”

It’s maybe worth noting that Williams isn’t actually shooting down the infidelity suggestion with these statements.

She’s simply saying she’s staying in her marriage.

“All is well in Hunterville,” Williams told viewers. “Don’t believe the hype and if there was hype, believe me you – I would let you know.”

She concluded this segment as follows:

“I’ll be following this story, so I guess I’ll have to watch to find out what happens.”

Overall, Wendy Williams is a pretty huge moron.

But no one deserves to be cheated on in the manner described above.

We hope for her sake that this allegation isn’t true.
