Monday, September 18, 2017

Kevin Hart Makes Amends For Cheating, Swears Off Strip Clubs

It"s been a rough few months for Kevin Hart.

It all started with a video that circulated online as evidence of Hart cheating on his wife, Eniko Parrish.

The clip didn"t actually show anything inappropriate, but it did lead to increased scrutiny of the comic"s personal life, which in turn, led to Hart admitting to cheating on Parish.

In a contrite Instagram video, Hart didn"t flat-out confess that he"d been sleeping around, but he alluded to hurting his family through "recent mistakes," so … yeah. Dude cheated.

Hart"s infidelities have landed him in a seriously messy legal situation, as one of his alleged cheating partners attempted to blackmail him with what she claimed was a video of the two of them having sex.

The FBI is reportedly on the hunt for the extortionist, who at one point demanded a pay-off in the eight-figure range.

Needless to say, Kev"s probably in the dog house these days, but he"s not giving up on his marriage.

In fact, it seems he"s vowed to completely change his ways and make things right with Parrish.

Step one, of course, was admitting that he had done wrong.

Step two is avoiding temptation to ensure he doesn"t slip up again.

Check out Kev holding court on Atlanta strip clubs and vowing fidelity to his wife in the clip below.

He sounds like a man determined to avoid a future … Hart break. Sorry.

Kevin hart makes amends for cheating swears off strip clubs