Showing posts with label Amends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amends. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Logan Paul Tries to Make Amends with Suicide Prevention Video

Logan Paul has returned to YouTube with his first video since being publicly reprimanded for basically being an insensitive A-Hole earlier this year.

In late December, the viral sensation shared lengthy footage of his trip to Japan, specifically honing in on the dead body of a man found hanging from a tree in the woods.

Paul and his friends cracked wise about their finding and made fun of the dead.

He proceeded to apologize on multiple occasions for the footage, but never sounded especially sincere in doing so.

Will this latest effort help Paul make amends?

Titled “Suicide: Be Here Tomorrow,” the new seven-minute clip depicts the 22-year old Internet personality talking with suicide survivor Kevin Hines, Alo House Recovery Centers founder Bob Forrest and National Suicide Prevention Hotline director Dr. John Draper.

He says his goal is to educate himself on the topic and to better understand why about 800,000 people take their own lives each year.

“I know I’ve made mistakes. I know I’ve let people down. But what happens when you’re given an opportunity to help make a difference in the world?” Paul says in the video, adding:

“It’s time to learn from the past as I get better and grow as a human being.

"I’m here to have a hard conversation as those who are suffering can have easier ones."

Will critics buy this?

Or will they just view it as a cynical attempt to win back fans?

Paul has 16 million YouTube followers. He makes millions per year off his videos.

In the following footage, he runs down five steps to assist someone who is considering suicide. They are:

  1. Ask.

  2. Listen.

  3. Support.

  4. Help them connect.

  5. Check in on them.

He also pledges to donate $ 1 million to “various suicide prevention organizations, with the first $ 250,000 going straight to the National Suicide Prevention Hotline.

It"s a start, right?

Paul says he never meant to create a stir with his controversial video, but that he doesn"t know anyone personally who has committed suicide.

"That was part of the problem was just my ignorance on the subject,” he explains below. “While I’m not able to solve the problem by myself, I want to be part of the solution.

Back on December 31, Paul uploaded footage that feature the corpse of a man who appeared to have hanged himself from a tree in Aokigahara, which is commonly referred to as Japan’s “suicide forest."

About 10 days later, YouTube removed him from its Google Premium advertising service.

So… is this video a sincere mea culpa on Paul"s part?

Or just a way for him to get into YouTube"s good graces and maximize his earnings once again?

Watch and decide for yourself:

Logan paul tries to make amends with suicide prevention video

Monday, September 18, 2017

Kevin Hart Makes Amends For Cheating, Swears Off Strip Clubs

It"s been a rough few months for Kevin Hart.

It all started with a video that circulated online as evidence of Hart cheating on his wife, Eniko Parrish.

The clip didn"t actually show anything inappropriate, but it did lead to increased scrutiny of the comic"s personal life, which in turn, led to Hart admitting to cheating on Parish.

In a contrite Instagram video, Hart didn"t flat-out confess that he"d been sleeping around, but he alluded to hurting his family through "recent mistakes," so … yeah. Dude cheated.

Hart"s infidelities have landed him in a seriously messy legal situation, as one of his alleged cheating partners attempted to blackmail him with what she claimed was a video of the two of them having sex.

The FBI is reportedly on the hunt for the extortionist, who at one point demanded a pay-off in the eight-figure range.

Needless to say, Kev"s probably in the dog house these days, but he"s not giving up on his marriage.

In fact, it seems he"s vowed to completely change his ways and make things right with Parrish.

Step one, of course, was admitting that he had done wrong.

Step two is avoiding temptation to ensure he doesn"t slip up again.

Check out Kev holding court on Atlanta strip clubs and vowing fidelity to his wife in the clip below.

He sounds like a man determined to avoid a future … Hart break. Sorry.

Kevin hart makes amends for cheating swears off strip clubs

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 2 Recap: Making Friends, Not Amends

After last week’s premiere party, on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 2, Heather traveled to Turks & Caicos.

In the hopes of helping husband Terry reconnect with their kids, that is. How did that work? And what else went down back in the ol’ OC?

When The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 2 got going, bigger issues were at stake than Terry’s home life.

Namely, Vicki Gunvalson was still on the outs with the ladies.

Before Heather left for vacation, Vicki attempted to issue a vague, blanket apology to smooth things over without admitting real wrongdoing.

You know, Sorry Not Sorry, Real Housewives Style.

Elsewhere, Tamra tried to comfort son Ryan Vieth re: his sadly failing relationship, while Shannon Beador got a pearl necklace from David.

No, get your minds out of the gutter now, people.

Meghan King Edmonds had the ladies over for pizza, at which point Brooks Ayers made a controversial appearance (in spirit) once again.

We also learned a lot about new wife Kelly Dodd and her interesting living situation, but let’s get down to business with Brooks first.

Listening to the women even try to explain him …

Having gotten the Brooks Ayers faking cancer rundown, Kelly asked if Vicki had ever meddled in any of the other cast members’ relationships.

Tamra answered hells yes, re: her ex-husband Simon.

That situation is bad even by reality show standards, as she hasn’t seen her daughter in two YEARS and there’s no end in sight apparently.

“I sent him an email, I said, ‘Please, we need to come together and talk about this, tell these kids they need their parents,"” she said.

“And he said, ‘No."” Tamra lamented.

That’s when Kelly Dodd did her one better, or close, revealing that she went through a divorce for two years … from her current husband.

“Oh, so your husband now is not the father of your daughter,” Shannon said, confused, to which Kelly said, “No, he is. I went back with him.”

Cue crickets and awkward smiles.

Yes, after a two-year long divorce – and even an engagement to another man – Kelly Dodd got back together with her husband Michael.

“Isn’t that crazy?” she asked, noting that despite the fact that he had become “like Hitler” and a “control freak,” this was for the best.

“It was a nightmare,” Kelly said. “It made me realize it was easier being with him and having my family together than being divorced.”

“We don’t have a perfect marriage at all, but I’m going to suck it up just like my parents did,” Kelly said. “He’s a really nice person.”

So to sum up, Kelly lives with her mom, brother, daughter and husband who has been diagnosed with a narcissistic personality disorder. 

As you’ll see when you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, the look on Tamra Barney Judge’s face was everything.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 7 Recap: Can Meri Make Amends?

On Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 7, the Brown family prepared for a trip to Hawaii. With that many people, you can imagine the challenges.

Meanwhile, Meri Brown sought to make amends.

Ariella Mae, the latest addition to the Brown Family, was a mere two and a half months at the time of the Browns’ big Hawaii adventure.

Is she a bit too young to be traveling? Perhaps, but that’s just how the Browns roll – particularly when the network is footing the airfare.

Later, Kody was called out regarding the distinctive relationships he has with his sons and daughters, which his wives have mentioned.

Does he treat his daughters very differently than he treats his sons, and is it to the detriment of either? Kody had to answer that one.

While he is far from perfect – and his living situation is one that none of us can relate to – Kody really does seem like he tries to adapt.

Once he heard criticism about not taking his relationships with his girls to the peak level, he really thought about it and wanted to do better.

As for his relationships with his wives, and treating all of them equally (not only banging Robyn), that’s perhaps even more challenging.

Especially with Kody in search of a fifth wife, it’s a complicated situation that promises to become more and more so as time passes.

Meanwhile, Meri and Janelle clashed in therapy, with the former not exactly what you’d call optimistic about two women bonding on vacay.

“I have no idea what we could do in Hawaii,” Meri says. “Maybe we could go to the beach and build a sand castle together. I don’t know.”

For those unaware, Meri’s feud with Janelle predates the whole Sister Wives catfish scandal (though that did not help), and by a lot.

Janelle left her husband to be with Kody and join the family, which would be eyebrow-raising on its own, but the man is Meri’s brother.

As Janelle wrote in Becoming Sister Wives: The Story of an Unconventional Marriage: “Meri and I went from cordial to frosty overnight.”

“We snipped at each other over the smallest things.”

Has much changed? Will it ever? Stay tuned.

Later, on Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 8, we got a behind the scenes look at Kody Brown, the man, the myth, the polygamous legend.

Follow the link to watch Sister Wives online and see the action – or mass cringing, depending on your view – transpire from start to finish.