Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Teen Mom 2 Recap: Winter in Summer is Coming

Monday on an explosive Teen Mom 2 Season 9 Episode 12, Luis dropped a bombshell on Briana just as she was about to go into labor.

Meanwhile, Jenelle’s mother tried to work her way back into her good graces at Kaiser’s party, but that proved easier said than done.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, or follow the stars on social media, you knew about some of the major milestones on tap this week.

Nevertheless, it was amazing to watch them play out.

After her final doctor’s appointment before giving birth to baby Stella, Briana DeJesus was asked by Luis Miguel if she wanted to work it out.

He said he wanted her back in his life, and she was caught off guard to say the least, telling him that would have to wait until the baby comes.

Clearly, reuniting with her ex-boyfriend romantically was the last thing on her mind, as she’d already (sadly) decided that ship had sailed.

Luis cheated on her, after all; DeJesus openly lamented not being together with her baby’s father, but sometimes you do what you have to.

In North Carolina, Barbara Evans tried making peace with Jenelle at Kaiser‘s birthday party, but her daughter wasn’t having any of it.

Babs suggested they all rent a cabin and go away for a weekend, saying they were getting along again and that they could build on that.

Fat chance.

Jenelle told Barbara that they are only “civil” because of co-parenting Jace, but that she doesn’t like Barb and doesn’t want to be with her.

Harsh. Jenelle said Barbara is not invited to wedding (she meant it, as Babs wasn’t there to see Jenelle Evans and David Eason married).

Considering the custody issues involved, it’s just sad, and the saddest thing is the impression that it will get worse before it gets better.

Chelsea Houska, for her part, took her family on a trip to Florida, where Aubree met a dolphin and Cole looked super hot. Sorry, it’s true.

Fresh off her Bumble experience last week, Leah tried becoming a motivational speaker, but she ended up bumbling through that as well.

Finally, Kailyn Lowry prepared to graduate from college at Delaware State by going out to dinner with Javi and the boys, Isaac and Lincoln.

Pretty impressive feat for Kail!

When it comes to Lowry and Chris Lopez, he’s now telling her that he wants to be in her life and try to be a family with all three of her sons.

One can’t keep track of Chris’ whims from one day to the next, but what we can tell you is that there’s never a dull moment with them.
