Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Miranda Lambert and Anderson East: Celebrate Their Two Year Anniversary!

In the wake of these devastating storms, many celebrities have donated to hurricane relief. But Miranda Lambert didn’t settle for donating, and used her time and resources to rescue dogs by the truckload from the flooded city of Houston.

So we’d say that she deserves to celebrate the happy milestones in her life. Wouldn’t you agree?

Yesterday, she and boyfriend Anderson East celebrated their two year anniversary. …

Miranda Lambert shared this photo of the two of them.

They look so blissfully happy!

She included the caption:

“‘Oh how I remember well, sunset on September 12th…"”

If you think that those sound like lyrics, you’re right.

Miranda Lambert’s 2016 album, The Weight of These Wings, includes the song “Pushin’ Time,” which is actually a duet between the two of them.

She even tagged the photo “#PushinTime” and also, in case anyone didn’t make the connection from the date in the song to yesterday’s date (September 12th), Miranda included another tag:


It was over Instagram that Miranda Lambert first seemed to confirm her relationship with Anderson East.

On the very first day of January, 2016, Miranda shared this photo of the two of them cuddling adorably.

She captioned it:

“The snuggle is real…”

(Gotta love cute puns)

After Miranda Lambert’s split from Blake Shelton reportedly involved Blake Shelton stacking Miranda’s belongings on the porch, like something out of a Lifetime movie, we’d say that she deserves a little happiness.

Yes, she allegedly cheated, but it’s been three years and Blake has certainly moved on — with Gwen Stefani — so we say that Miranda Lambert gets to move on, too.

In fact, this couple seems to be so happy together that exciting Miranda and Anderson engagement rumors keep cropping up.

They’ve reportedly been speaking of marriage and children since last year.

Anderson East is only 29, just a few years younger than Miranda.

29 is old enough to be a parent, but a lot of people in that age range who do want children opt to wait for a few more years.

(A lot of people fear repeating the same mistakes that their parents made due to lack of experience; others just want to live their lives for a few more years before becoming highly dedicated parents)

Whatever their next step is as a couple, we look forward to hearing about it.

The vast majority of us can’t imagine what it would be like to go through a well-publicized divorce.

Miranda Lambert isn’t quite a mainstream celebrity, as she’s in the Crunchy … sorry … Country music business, which is sort of its own separate world.

But Blake Shelton, despite also singing that genre, is a judge on The Voice, which gives him mainstream visibility.

And Gwen Stefani, of course, is intensely famous and has been for years and years.

She’s the one who taught Millennials how to spell “bananas.” Just now, writing that, I didn’t even hesitate. I heard an echo of Gwen’s voice in my mind, guiding me through it.

Miranda first endured a divorce and now her ex is involved in one of the most well-publicized celebrity relationships on the planet.

We’re glad that she has her own love life as a welcome distraction.
