Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Jon Gosselin to Fans: I Need 30 Grand to Fight Kate in Court! Help a Brother Out!

Jon Gosselin is begging fans for help in his ongoing, escalating custody battle with ex-wife Kate … and not just moral support.

He wants them to pay legal fees.

Jon, of course, has been broke or close to it for years, working odd jobs (often plural) to pay the bills after being cut off by Kate and TLC.

He’s worked construction, waited tables to pay rent, been a DJ, even moonlighted as a stripper since his reality TV days came to an end.

Suffice to say, between being hard up for a high-paying gig and having eight kids, guy’s a little short on dough. Which brings us to today.

According to a report by Radar, Colleen Conrad (the young woman who’s been dating Jon for some time) is spearheading the effort.

The former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star’s girlfriend set up a Go Fund Me page with a goal of $ 30,000 to help pay off his family court fees.

Conrad’s fundraiser page reads as follows:

“Family and friends of Jon Gosselin know the loving, caring, devoted father that he is, and they understand his desire to do what is best for his children.”

“Like many divorced parents, Jon works hard each day and most weekends, wanting nothing more than to spend quality time with his kids.” 

Colleen notes that Jonathan hasbeen in an eight-year battle with Kate that “pits him against financial forces that far exceed his own.” 

“Fame and fortune do not always go together, and Jon is the perfect example of that reality,” the statement continues, in his defense.

Jon, contrary to what his critics might want to believe, “works a steady job and earns extra money on the side as a disc jockey.”

Conrad notes, in a clear dig at Kate, that Jon does not have a “network-funded public relations machine behind him to spin the facts.”

“He is forced into an expensive unjust battle for custody, one that drains his time, energy and finances,” the Go Fund Me Page says.

Jon does not want this, but has no other choice.

“It is a fight he did not seek,” the page says. “It is a fight he does not want. He remains focused on the welfare of his children.”

His only goal in this is that he “wants to make sure every decision that is made on their behalf is made in their best interest.”

The money raised will go to his legal battle so he can have time with his kids, the page insists, and any extra money beyond that to charity.

All donations that exceed $ 30,000 will be donated to Bethany Children’s Home in Pennsylvania, according to the website.

It’s early yet, but fans appear nonplussed.

Created on September 2, the page has raised $ 1,808 so far. Better than nothing, we suppose, when you’re DJ’ing in rural Pennsylvania.

Asked for comment, Conrad confirmed “It was started [by] myself and his family. You can refer to the Go Fund Me page for further information.”

Jon and Kate’s custody war has basically been underway since 2009, but exploded recently with three police altercations in August.

On August 15, police responded to a custody exchange in a parking lot in which Kate reportedly got physical with her daughter Hannah.

Then on August 22, officers responded to an even more inside dispute at an orthodontist’s office that ended with Hannah hospitalized.

Authorities were called a third time when Jon “called again from the dental office to report he [was] being threatened with legal action.

Kate has full legal custody of their sextuplets Aaden, Collin, Joel, Leah, Alexis and Hannah, 13, and twins Cara and Mady, 16.

Jon says he will fight for what’s right and what’s in his kids’ best interest, even if it’s a long and difficult climb against the odds.

Last year, Gosselin revealed that he is supposed to see his kids one night a week and every other weekend, but that’s wishful thinking.

In fact, he hasn’t seen all of them together in 3-4 years. “I just go to the bus stop [at Kate’s house] and whoever I get, I get,” he said.

Some of his children, the 40-year-old says “Just stopped coming. I did get Alexis one day, which was nice to see her.”

Stay tuned to this sad saga.
