Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Kate Middleton: Topless Photo Lawsuit Leads to BIG Payday!

Back in 2012, topless photos of Kate Middleton were published by a French tabloid, much to the shock and chagrin of the Royal family.

At the time, Middleton promised to sue the publishers of Closer magazine, and the protracted legal battle appears to have finally come to an end.

A French court decided today to impose the maximum fine on the magazine, as well as on its editor and owner.

Closer will be forced to shell out $ 119,000 to the Middletons.

Its owner and editor must fork over $ 53,000 each.

Obviously, it’s chump change for a family that lives in a freakin’ castle, but like the Taylor Swift sexual assault case that landed the singer one dollar in damages, the trial had more to do with principles than profits.

The photos of Kate were taken without her consent with a telephoto lens, while she and husband Prince William were vacationing in the French region of Provence.

Kate and William were not in court for today’s ruling.

News of the legal victory comes amidst a hectic week for the Royals.

On Monday, the world learned that Kate is pregnant with her third child.

Tuesday morning, Meghan Markle spoke publicly about dating Prince Harry for the first time in the couple’s year-long relationship.

And now, soon-to-be mother of three Kate has scored a legal victory with the potential for huge ramifications.

Like we said, the financial sum is a pittance to the Royals, who will likely donate the entire judgment to charity.

What’s far more important to them is the message sent by this verdict.

All members of the Royal family sign on for lives of frequent privacy invasions.

But that doesn’t mean every aspect of their life is subject to public scrutiny.

Now, as they prepare to welcome their third child, Will and Kate have drawn a line in the sand and reminded the world that those who dare to cross it will face dire consequences.

Sure, it’s a far cry from the days when folks who pissed off the Royals had their heads lopped off in the town square, but is should still be enough to send a message to over-zealous journos.

Kate may not be queen yet, but she’s already begun to slay.
