Sunday, September 24, 2017

Aaron Carter FINALLY Checks into Rehab!

Great news — Aaron Carter is currently in rehab!

Sure, it would have been better news if had happened months ago, before his DUI arrest and very public meltdown.

But still, this is a wonderful development, and we should all be very, very proud of this guy.

If you pay even the tiniest bit of attention to celebrity gossip — which obviously you do, otherwise why would you be here? — you know that Aaron’s had a tough time lately.

There was that previously mentioned DUI arrest that happened back in July. He was also charged with drug possession then.

After the arrest, he gave seriously intimate interviews about his life, including details about his poor health and his eating disorder.

This month, police have visited him multiple times on welfare checks — people have been calling and calling authorities out of concern that he’d kill himself or hurt someone else.

Some of the calls, which were recently released, claimed that he suffers from bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, and that he’d been talking about purchasing a gun.

He also made an appearance on The Doctors this month, and during the interview he was told by those doctors that if he doesn’t go to rehab soon, he could die.

So thank goodness for this statement Aaron’s rep made on Friday:

Aaron has decided to enter a facility to improve his health and work on his overall wellness. He is going to do this privately and focus all his attention on being the best person and performer possible.

He is grateful for the support and love from his fans and looks forward to coming back stronger than ever before.

Shortly after the statement was released, Aaron himself hopped on Twitter to further explain things.

“Only I can change my life,” he wrote. “No one can do it for me.”

“I would like to tell all of you that I will be disappearing for a while to work on myself,” he told fans, adding that though he’d be “disappearing,” he still had plans to release new music this fall.

“My stressors haven’t subsided with family and this year has been crazy and I need some time off from it all.”

“Going to get strong,” he wrote. “And deal with my stress conditions and get better.”

In additional tweets, he said that he wasn’t planning on using social media again until next year because he’s “taking a break from this sh-t.”

“And FYI,” he continued, “MY FAMILY has nothing to do with this. I’ve actually had to cut them all off unfortunately and it’s gonna stay that way.”

“We can talk about this when I’m done taking care of myself. That goes to everyone especially the medias. I’m gonna have a lot to say. Thanks.”

Aaron wrote that he is “strong,” and “that’s why I made this decision. No one could’ve forced me. None of you even know my reasons for this. It’s called stress.”

“It’s time to say goodbye,” he finished. “I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello t a new adventure and a stress free life.”

Here’s hoping that whatever is troubling him gets better soon.
