Monday, September 11, 2017

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle: Engaged, Just Waiting to Make Announcement (Report)

Rumors about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle getting engaged have been circulating pretty much from the time the world learned they were dating.

As a result, we’re highly skeptical of any new reports that Harry has quietly put a ring on it, and the couple is just waiting for the right moment to share their big news with the public.

That said, in recent weeks, the photogenic couple has been more open about their relationship than ever before, leading even the most wary of skeptics to suspect that an engagement announcement is forthcoming.

Harry and Meghan traveled to Africa last month in order to celebrate her birthday, and many now believe that Harry surreptitiously popped the question during the trip.

Those who subscribe to the theory believe there are multiple reasons that Meghan has not been wearing her ring in public and that the engagement is being kept a secret kept by the Royals.

For starters, Meg and Harry understandably did not want to overshadow the twentieth anniversary of the death of Princess Diana.

On top of that, everything the Royals do is carefully coordinated, and it’s not like Harry and Meghan can just post a ring pic on Facebook and be done with it.

There are protocols to be followed, media demands to be met.

The whole affair of announcing the engagement publicly is reportedly so closely managed that within the walls of Buckingham Palace, it’s been given the code name of Operation Princess.

After much discussion, the Royal PR team has reportedly chosen a date and venue for Harry and Meghan to make their first appearance as an engaged couple.

The Invictus Games begin September 23, and since the event has always been important to Harry, and it will this year be held in Meghan’s adopted hometown of Toronto, it’s thought to be the perfect place to announce the engagement.

Sources say Harry’s decision to propose to Meghan initially received some push-back from family members who objected to the idea of an American actress being granted a royal title.

It seems Meghan has won over the stodgier Royals, however, and even her most ardent former critics have come to embrace the Suits star. 

“Harry’s father is just keen for him to settle down and be happy,” an insider recently told The Daily Mail.

“Both Charles and Camilla are understood to have held back from expressing views, keen that Harry should have his own space to make his own decision.”

So be on the alert the week of September 23.

We get the feeling the Invictus Games are about to be overshadowed by some long-awaited news.
