Friday, September 1, 2017

Amber Portwood: Breaking Up with New Boyfriend Over Stalking Allegations?!

Amber Portwood sure can pick ‘em, huh?

Meaning she sure can pick out the sleaziest, sketchiest guys and convince them to fall madly, creepily in love with her.

Really, this seems to be a special skill of hers.

Considering that her entire adult life has been documented on reality television, we pretty much know her entire romantic history … and none of it is good.

Let’s see, she started dating Gary Shirley when she was a young teenager — he was her brother’s friend, and he knocked her up while her brother was overseas in the military.

Gary’s really grown up since he was with Amber, but their relationship was always extremely toxic and just very, very bad.

After that, she started dating that guy who’d just gotten out of prison and who told her on their first date that the day he met her at Walmart was the best day of his life.

Eventually she dumped him to get back with Gary, and again, things were remarkably unhealthy.

She may have had a few flings here and there, but basically it was all Gary until she went to prison, and shortly after she got out and saw that he’d moved on, Matt Baier weaseled his way in.

Matt manipulated her, controlled her, stole money from her … it was bad.

After what sounded like a failed stint in Marriage Boot Camp in June, she finally kicked Matt to the curb, and a few weeks later she was with her current boyfriend, Andrew Glennon.

At first, Andrew seemed like a great catch for her. He has a steady career in TV production, he was the final nail in the Mamber coffin.

But it didn’t take long for the truth about him to come out.

As it turns out, not one but two of Andrew’s former girlfriends have filed restraining orders against him.

The first ex claimed in court documents that he’d gotten extremely upset after she broke up with him, and he began harassing her.

Immediately after the breakup, he hid her keys so she couldn’t leave, and the next day he showed up at her apartment and wouldn’t leave until her father came and threatened to call the police.

He let the air out of her tires, tried to deliver flowers at her work place using a fake name, keyed a car that was parked in her parking space.

He also threw rocks at her window and laughed at her when she caught him, and he sent her creepy emails about how they “had something special that will never change.”

As for the second ex, she claimed that she got her restraining order against him because since their breakup, she’d “received hundreds of emails, phone calls, text messages and Facebook messages from him harassing me.”

“He has shown up at my work, home and the bus stops I take to and from work as well.”

He sounds like a sincerely scary guy, right?

Andrew has since denied most of these claims, saying that he “would never consider stalking nor harassing any women.”

And now, in yet another new interview, he’s revealing that the news of his restraining orders is giving Amber second thoughts about him.

“This is jeopardizing our relationship, which tears my heart,” he says. “She is still processing. Right now everything is up in the air.”

“Amber is such a beautiful soul, I love her so much, and I really want to start this relationship with nothing but honesty,” he continues.

“I feel like a total idiot for not bringing this up to her first, but it was such a difficult time in my life that I blocked it out of my mind.”

… Yikes.

So not only does this guy have two restraining orders against him, but he also let Amber find out about it on the internet instead of straight from him.

And not only that, but he’s really going on about how much he loves her, after they’ve been dating for a month?

There are too many red flags here to count, but still, Andrew throws up a few more with his next statement …

“I apologize to you, Amber, her fans, and anyone following us,” he says. “I know I can be the man she’s waiting for, I’ve been waiting for her in my life, and we both had to go through some real life experience to realize that.”

“Our love is real, and I want to see it through.”

Amber, girl, run. Run hard, run fast, and don’t look back.
