Friday, September 8, 2017

Big Brother Recap: A Christmas Miracle?

Double eviction night is always a fun night in Big Brother, and it’s especially fun when the houseguests have no idea about it happening. 

Paul has been strategizing ahead for weeks now, but nothing could prepare him when Julie dropped the news that two houseguests would be leaving the house. 

When the episode got underway, Josh was still concerned about Paul and what he was really up to. 

He got in the hot tub with Jason and started to have a moment. He could not hold back the tears. 

The reason?

Jason was next to him and was none the wiser about the plan to get him out. Jason questioned Josh, but he could not give anything away. 

His face said it all, and it’s surprising Jason did not realize what was about to happen. Yes, the houseguests this year are dumb. 

“Don’t tell nobody I had a moment,” says Josh to a shocked Jason. 

As expected, the houseguests created a tie and Christmas broke it in a tearful speech, sending Jason out of the game. 

It was legit the biggest blindside this season, and Jason stormed out the house without speaking to anyone. 

Did he really think Alex was one of the votes against him? That would be the ultimate betrayal. 

He was pissed, and he looked like he wanted to run back into the house and go crazy at the other houseguests. 

The goodbye messages proved Alex was in the clear, but then Paul denied the whole thing in his one, and it conflicted with everything else. 

Paul is trying his hand at some jury management this season. As you probably recall, the jury favored Nicole’s gameplay last summer. 

“You would’ve done the same to me? If I was on the block, I was getting evicted?” Paul yelled at Josh right after. 

Paul was trying to get Alex on his side, and it made Josh and Christmas look bad. Hopefully, this further detaches Josh from Team Paul. 

Alex was apparently out for blood and swung into victory at the next HOH competition. Obviously, Christmas was the one who took Jason out. 

So, what was her big move, exactly? Um, a dud, that’s what. She went with nominating Raven and Kevin. 

She should have gone with Christmas and Josh because, well, that would have been fun to watch. 

At the veto competition, Alex snagged an early lead, but Josh ultimately eked out a victory. And he kept the nominations the same. 

Raven was evicted and started crying while being rude to the other houseguests for getting rid of her. 

Um, what? All she has done all season is whine and get jiggy with Matt. She should have been evicted months ago. 

Instead, she cartwheeled out of the house and tried to say to Julie that she played a great game. 

She has got to be the most deluded person to ever appear on reality TV. 


Julie then revealed that Celebrity Big Brother is officially coming in the winter. 

Yes, really! 

What do you think about all of this? 

Sound off below!
