Friday, September 1, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Trying to Get Her Own Mother Arrested?!

In this week"s episode of Teen Mom 2, we saw Jenelle Evans … well, to be perfectly honest, we saw Jenelle lose it a little bit.

She got upset when she called her mother, Barbara Evans, in the late afternoon to set up a visit with her son, Jace, that day, and then she got upset when Barbara didn"t drop all of their plans the moment she called.

Babs mentioned that Jenelle couldn"t come over because it was Cinco de Mayo and they were all going to a restaurant.

For some reason, the fact that it was Cinco de Mayo threw up some red flags for Jenelle, so she did what any reasonable person would do: she grabbed her fiancé, David Eason, and they went off to track Barbara down.

They found her at a restaurant, and they literally peeked through the windows at her — or David did, Jenelle"s too short.

He snapped some photos of her drinking from a glass of wine, and Jenelle went off. She confronted her mother in the restaurant and made such a scene that poor Babs had to leave her dinner.

But Jenelle wasn"t done. In the parking lot, she accused Barbara of driving drunk with Jace and a couple of other kids in the car, something that Barbara strongly denied.

She didn"t seem drunk at all, for what it"s worth. She just seemed exasperated that she ended up raising a person like Jenelle.

Finally, Barbara left to go home, but the drama still wasn"t over. Jenelle followed her home, and she knocked on doors and windows for two hours before calling the police.

When officers arrived, Babs opened the door for them and requested that they remove Jenelle from her property.

Both ladies were told that at this point, they were dealing with a custody dispute, and that they needed to talk things over with their lawyers.

When Jenelle told this story to her producer, she sounded pretty smug: like she was the sober police, trying to save innocent children from riding in a car with her horrible, wasted mother.

But now, in a deleted scene from the episode, we"re seeing Barbara"s side of the story.

And for some reason, it sounds just a little more believable.


Barbara, who doesn"t film on her own anymore, met up with a producer to discuss the incident, and as she tells it, the issue wasn"t that she wouldn"t let Jenelle see Jace, it was that Jace didn"t want to see Jenelle.

"Jace did not want to go," she says. "So Jace told her that. Jace said "Mommy, I don"t want to go to your house.""

Which must have been hard for Jenelle to hear, but not surprising — in recent episodes, the poor kid really doesn"t seem too happy out on her land.

Then, when Barbara took Jace and the other kids to the restaurant, Jenelle and David showed up out of nowhere.

She insists that she really only did order one glass of wine, and she"d only took one sip of it because she"d just ordered her food and apparently she wanted to save it.

She also mentions that she has the receipt from the restaurant to prove that.

When know what happened next, thanks to that horrendous video David filmed of the incident — Jenelle accused Barbara of being drunk, way too drunk to drive.

But, as she claims here, "It was all a set-up."

Really seems that way, huh?

She drove home with the kids and, after making sure that her wacky daughter wasn"t waiting at her house, she pulled into the garage and closed the door, then went inside.

But before too long, Jenelle did show up.

Barbara says that she closed every blind in the house and locked every door, and she told Jace "Look, maybe if we pretend we"re not home, then she"ll go away."

That"s not how it happened though.

As Jenelle herself admitted, she banged on the windows and doors for over an hour, and Barbara says "the kids were scared to death."

When the police were called, Barbara says that because they know her and the whole sad, sorry, situation, they told Jenelle "Get off of your mother"s property, and you"re not to come here again unless you"re invited, and if you show up again, you will be arrested."

"I"m done with her and her lousy boyfriends," she rants to the producer. "I"m done!"

"If she wants to live with this loser guy, David … "cause I have no respect for this guy. He"s not this nice guy he portrays him to be on TV."

"He doesn"t work," she continues, "he just sucks all the money up … he"s an A 1 asshole. He"s a BIG asshole. He"s a user, and he"s gonna use Jenelle till there"s no more."

Yikes …

Hear Barbara"s full story in the video below:

Jenelle evans trying to get her own mother arrested