Thursday, September 28, 2017

Nathan Griffith to David Eason: You Married the Devil!

Nathan Griffith offered up some less-than-kind words in response to Jenelle Evans" wedding

He might not be the most articulate baby daddy on the block, but he cerainly got his point across:


1. Jenelle & David: An Unholy Union

Jenelle evans and david eason wedding pic

Jenelle and David Eason got hitched in a small ceremony in North Carolina. MTV camera crews were invited, but Jenelle’s mom was not.

2. An Exclusive Guest List

Jenelle evans pre wedding photo

There were other important people in Jenelle’s life who were also persona non-grata. The list included her ex-husband, and the the three other men she was engaged to, Nathan Griffith being the most recent mistake.

3. Nathan And Jenelle In Happier Times

Nathan griffith and jenelle evans half naked

Griffith, of course, is the father of Jenelle’s second son, and there was a time when they seemed destined for the altar. As you can see, they shared a love of selfies and human growth hormone.

4. Things Didn’t Work Out

Nathan griffith photo

Not only did Jenelle and Nathan breakup, however, they melted down in epic fashion.

5. Battle of the Bad Parents

Jenelle nathan and kaiser

These days Nathan and Jenelle are engaged in an epic custody battle. And their poor son Kaiser is caught in the middle.

6. Nate Goes Nuclear

Nathan griffith jenelle evans selfie pic

Currently, Nathan is claiming that Jenelle did drugs while she pas pregnant with their son.

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