Monday, September 11, 2017

Big Brother Recap: Who Is the New Target?!?

Just when it seemed like there was going to be a change of leadership in the Big Brother house, it became clear that the only person calling the shots is Paul. 

When the episode got underway, Alex was still shocked about Jason’s departure and tried to make sense of it. While Josh was still crying and Paul was playing the victim card. 

In Paul’s defense, he essentially put the target on Christmas and Josh for what happened and continued to manage every single person. 

With Josh continuing to wail, Christmas opened up about the method to her madness, saying that Jason was just too strong to keep in the game. 

This did little to appease Alex, but what else could she really do? There were not a lot of options to be put on the block, so she knew she would need to fight to win. 

Paul decided it was time to make some bigger moves and had Kevin agree to throw the HOH competition. The reason? He wanted Josh to win and take the shot at Alex. 

This is a typical move from Paul because he wants everyone else but him to appear as the villain. It just shows the lengths he will go to in order to save his butt. 

Josh was not entirely impressed with the plan, but there was nothing else he could do or say to prevent it. For the competition, they needed to remember what they watched in the comics trailer. 

Kevin took an early lead but eventually decided to fall into line as opposed to being sent out of the house. Ultimately, Josh wins, so Paul got his wish. 

Josh then revealed to the audience that he was on to Paul for the way he is acting and this could be the only chance to take him out for good. 

The CBS edits are always filled with a meaningless storyline about how someone from Paul’s alliance will rebel and take a shot at the puppet master. 

This, of course, is crappy and not going to happen. When it came to the nominations ceremony, Josh put up Alex and Kevin, essentially confirming Alex’s worst fears. 

Josh tells Kevin that he is nominated “because you’ve kind of floated to the end and played it safe.”

And to Alex, he says “when it comes down to the game, you are a beast and a badass competitor, and in order for me to move forward these are the nominations I had to make.”

Okay, what do you think of the latest developments?

Read our Big Brother Spoilers if you want to find out what happens after the nominations ceremony!
